Module SpykeTorch.utils

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import torch
import torch.nn.functional as fn
import numpy as np
import math
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision import datasets
import os

def to_pair(data):
    r"""Converts a single or a tuple of data into a pair. If the data is a tuple with more than two elements, it selects
    the first two of them. In case of single data, it duplicates that data into a pair.

        data (object or tuple): The input data.

        Tuple: A pair of data.
    if isinstance(data, tuple):
        return data[0:2]
    return (data, data)

def generate_inhibition_kernel(inhibition_percents):
    r"""Generates an inhibition kernel suitable to be used by :func:`~functional.intensity_lateral_inhibition`.

        inhibition_percents (sequence): The sequence of inhibition factors (in range [0,1]).

        Tensor: Inhibition kernel.
    inhibition_kernel = torch.zeros(2*len(inhibition_percents)+1, 2*len(inhibition_percents)+1).float()
    center = len(inhibition_percents)
    for i in range(2*len(inhibition_percents)+1):
        for j in range(2*len(inhibition_percents)+1):
            dist = int(max(math.fabs(i - center), math.fabs(j - center)))
            if dist != 0:
                inhibition_kernel[i,j] = inhibition_percents[dist - 1]
    return inhibition_kernel

def tensor_to_text(data, address):
    r"""Saves a tensor into a text file in row-major format. The first line of the file contains comma-separated integers denoting
    the size of each dimension. The second line contains comma-separated values indicating all the tensor's data.

        data (Tensor): The tensor to be saved.
        address (str): The saving address.
    f = open(address, "w")
    data_cpu = data.cpu()
    shape = data.shape
    print(",".join(map(str, shape)), file=f)
    data_flat = data_cpu.view(-1).numpy()
    print(",".join(data_flat.astype(np.str)), file=f)

def text_to_tensor(address, type='float'):
    r"""Loads a tensor from a text file. Format of the text file is as follows: The first line of the file contains comma-separated integers denoting
    the size of each dimension. The second line contains comma-separated values indicating all the tensor's data.

        address (str): Address of the text file.
        type (float or int, optional): The type of the tensor's data ('float' or 'int'). Default: 'float'

        Tensor: The loaded tensor.
    f = open(address, "r")
    shape = tuple(map(int, f.readline().split(",")))
    data = np.array(f.readline().split(","))
    if type == 'float':
        data = data.astype(np.float32)
    elif type == 'int':
        data = data.astype(np.int32)
        raise ValueError("type must be 'int' or 'float'")
    data = torch.from_numpy(data)
    data = data.reshape(shape)
    return data

class LateralIntencityInhibition:
    r"""Applies lateral inhibition on intensities. For each location, this inhibition decreases the intensity of the
    surrounding cells that has lower intensities by a specific factor. This factor is relative to the distance of the
    neighbors and are put in the :attr:`inhibition_percents`.

        inhibition_percents (sequence): The sequence of inhibition factors (in range [0,1]).
    def __init__(self, inhibition_percents):
        self.inhibition_kernel = generate_inhibition_kernel(inhibition_percents)

    # decrease lateral intencities by factors given in the inhibition_kernel
    def intensity_lateral_inhibition(self, intencities):

        inh_win_size = self.inhibition_kernel.size(-1)
        rad = inh_win_size//2
        # repeat each value
        values = intencities.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,1)
        values = values.repeat(1,1,1,inh_win_size)
        values = values.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,intencities.size(-1)*inh_win_size)
        values = values.repeat(1,1,1,inh_win_size)
        values = values.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,intencities.size(-1)*inh_win_size)
        # extend patches
        padded = fn.pad(intencities,(rad,rad,rad,rad))
        # column-wise
        patches = padded.unfold(-1,inh_win_size,1)
        patches = patches.reshape(patches.size(0),patches.size(1),patches.size(2),-1,patches.size(3)*patches.size(4))
        # row-wise
        patches = patches.unfold(-2,inh_win_size,1).transpose(-1,-2)
        patches = patches.reshape(patches.size(0),patches.size(1),1,-1,patches.size(-1))
        # compare each element by its neighbors
        coef = values - patches
        coef.clamp_(min=0).sign_() # "ones" are neighbors greater than center
        # convolution with full stride to get accumulative inhibiiton factor
        factors = fn.conv2d(coef, self.inhibition_kernel, stride=inh_win_size)
        result = intencities + intencities * factors

        return result

    def __call__(self,input):
        return self.intensity_lateral_inhibition(input)

class FilterKernel:
    r"""Base class for generating image filter kernels such as Gabor, DoG, etc. Each subclass should override :attr:`__call__` function.
    def __init__(self, window_size):
        self.window_size = window_size

    def __call__(self):

class DoGKernel(FilterKernel):
    r"""Generates DoG filter kernel.

        window_size (int): The size of the window (square window).
        sigma1 (float): The sigma for the first Gaussian function.
        sigma2 (float): The sigma for the second Gaussian function.
    def __init__(self, window_size, sigma1, sigma2):
        super(DoGKernel, self).__init__(window_size)
        self.sigma1 = sigma1
        self.sigma2 = sigma2

    # returns a 2d tensor corresponding to the requested DoG filter
    def __call__(self):
        w = self.window_size//2
        x, y = np.mgrid[-w:w+1:1, -w:w+1:1]
        a = 1.0 / (2 * math.pi)
        prod = x*x + y*y
        f1 = (1/(self.sigma1*self.sigma1)) * np.exp(-0.5 * (1/(self.sigma1*self.sigma1)) * (prod))
        f2 = (1/(self.sigma2*self.sigma2)) * np.exp(-0.5 * (1/(self.sigma2*self.sigma2)) * (prod))
        dog = a * (f1-f2)
        dog_mean = np.mean(dog)
        dog = dog - dog_mean
        dog_max = np.max(dog)
        dog = dog / dog_max
        dog_tensor = torch.from_numpy(dog)
        return dog_tensor.float()

class GaborKernel(FilterKernel):
    r"""Generates Gabor filter kernel.

        window_size (int): The size of the window (square window).
        orientation (float): The orientation of the Gabor filter (in degrees).
        div (float, optional): The divisor of the lambda equation. Default: 4.0
    def __init__(self, window_size, orientation, div=4.0):
        super(GaborKernel, self).__init__(window_size)
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.div = div

    # returns a 2d tensor corresponding to the requested Gabor filter
    def __call__(self):
        w = self.window_size//2
        x, y = np.mgrid[-w:w+1:1, -w:w+1:1]
        lamda = self.window_size * 2 / self.div
        sigma = lamda * 0.8
        sigmaSq = sigma * sigma
        g = 0.3;
        theta = (self.orientation * np.pi) / 180;
        Y = y*np.cos(theta) - x*np.sin(theta)
        X = y*np.sin(theta) + x*np.cos(theta)
        gabor = np.exp(-(X * X + g * g * Y * Y) / (2 * sigmaSq)) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * X / lamda);
        gabor_mean = np.mean(gabor)
        gabor = gabor - gabor_mean
        gabor_max = np.max(gabor)
        gabor = gabor / gabor_max
        gabor_tensor = torch.from_numpy(gabor)
        return gabor_tensor.float()

class Filter:
    r"""Applies a filter transform. Each filter contains a sequence of :attr:`FilterKernel` objects.
    The result of each filter kernel will be passed through a given threshold (if not :attr:`None`).

        filter_kernels (sequence of FilterKernels): The sequence of filter kernels.
        padding (int, optional): The size of the padding for the convolution of filter kernels. Default: 0
        thresholds (sequence of floats, optional): The threshold for each filter kernel. Default: None
        use_abs (boolean, optional): To compute the absolute value of the outputs or not. Default: False

    .. note::

        The size of the compund filter kernel tensor (stack of individual filter kernels) will be equal to the 
        greatest window size among kernels. All other smaller kernels will be zero-padded with an appropriate 
    # filter_kernels must be a list of filter kernels
    # thresholds must be a list of thresholds for each kernel
    def __init__(self, filter_kernels, padding=0, thresholds=None, use_abs=False):
        tensor_list = []
        self.max_window_size = 0
        for kernel in filter_kernels:
            if isinstance(kernel, torch.Tensor):
                self.max_window_size = max(self.max_window_size, kernel.size(-1))
                self.max_window_size = max(self.max_window_size, kernel.window_size)
        for i in range(len(tensor_list)):
            p = (self.max_window_size - filter_kernels[i].window_size)//2
            tensor_list[i] = fn.pad(tensor_list[i], (p,p,p,p))

        self.kernels = torch.stack(tensor_list)
        self.number_of_kernels = len(filter_kernels)
        self.padding = padding
        if isinstance(thresholds, list):
            self.thresholds = thresholds.clone().detach()
            self.thresholds = thresholds
        self.use_abs = use_abs

    # returns a 4d tensor containing the flitered versions of the input image
    # input is a 4d tensor. dim: (minibatch=1, filter_kernels, height, width)
    def __call__(self, input):
        output = fn.conv2d(input, self.kernels, padding = self.padding).float()
        if not(self.thresholds is None):
            output = torch.where(output < self.thresholds, torch.tensor(0.0, device=output.device), output)
        if self.use_abs:
        return output

class Intensity2Latency:
    r"""Applies intensity to latency transform. Spike waves are generated in the form of
    spike bins with almost equal number of spikes.

        number_of_spike_bins (int): Number of spike bins (time steps).
        to_spike (boolean, optional): To generate spike-wave tensor or not. Default: False

    .. note::

        If :attr:`to_spike` is :attr:`False`, then the result is intesities that are ordered and packed into bins.
    def __init__(self, number_of_spike_bins, to_spike=False):
        self.time_steps = number_of_spike_bins
        self.to_spike = to_spike
    # intencities is a tensor of input intencities (1, input_channels, height, width)
    # returns a tensor of tensors containing spikes in each timestep (considers minibatch for timesteps)
    # spikes are accumulative, i.e. spikes in timestep i are also presented in i+1, i+2, ...
    def intensity_to_latency(self, intencities):
        #bins = []
        bins_intencities = []
        nonzero_cnt = torch.nonzero(intencities).size()[0]

        #check for empty bins
        bin_size = nonzero_cnt//self.time_steps

        intencities_flattened = torch.reshape(intencities, (-1,))
        intencities_flattened_sorted = torch.sort(intencities_flattened, descending=True)

        #bin packing
        sorted_bins_value, sorted_bins_idx = torch.split(intencities_flattened_sorted[0], bin_size), torch.split(intencities_flattened_sorted[1], bin_size)

        #add to the list of timesteps
        spike_map = torch.zeros_like(intencities_flattened_sorted[0])
        for i in range(self.time_steps):
            spike_map.scatter_(0, sorted_bins_idx[i], sorted_bins_value[i])
            spike_map_copy = spike_map.clone().detach()
            spike_map_copy = spike_map_copy.reshape(tuple(intencities.shape))
        return torch.stack(bins_intencities)#, torch.stack(bins)
        #return torch.stack(bins)

    def __call__(self, image):
        if self.to_spike:
            return self.intensity_to_latency(image).sign()
        return self.intensity_to_latency(image)

#class ImageFolderCache(datasets.ImageFolder):
#       def __init__(self, root, transform=None, target_transform=None,
#                 loader=datasets.folder.default_loader, cache_address=None):
#               super(ImageFolderCache, self).__init__(root, transform=transform, target_transform=target_transform, loader=loader)
#               self.imgs = self.samples
#               self.cache_address = cache_address
#               self.cache = [None] * len(self)

#       def __getitem__(self, index):
#               path, target = self.samples[index]
#               if self.cache[index] is None:
#                       sample = self.loader(path)
#                       if self.transform is not None:
#                               sample = self.transform(sample)
#                       if self.target_transform is not None:
#                               target = self.target_transform(target)

#                       #cache it
#                       if self.cache_address is None:
#                               self.cache[index] = sample
#                       else:
#                               save_path = os.path.join(self.cache_address, str(index)+'.c')
#                     , save_path)
#                               self.cache[index] = save_path
#               else:
#                       if self.cache_address is None:
#                               sample = self.cache[index]
#                       else:
#                               sample = torch.load(self.cache[index])
#               return sample, target

#       def reset_cache(self):
#               self.cache = [None] * len(self)

class CacheDataset(
    r"""A wrapper dataset to cache pre-processed data. It can cache data on RAM or a secondary memory.

    .. note::

        Since converting image into spike-wave can be time consuming, we recommend to wrap your dataset into a :attr:`CacheDataset`

        dataset ( The reference dataset object.
        cache_address (str, optional): The location of cache in the secondary memory. Use :attr:`None` to cache on RAM. Default: None
    def __init__(self, dataset, cache_address=None):
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.cache_address = cache_address
        self.cache = [None] * len(self.dataset)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.cache[index] is None:
            #cache it
            sample, target = self.dataset[index]
            if self.cache_address is None:
                self.cache[index] = sample, target
                save_path = os.path.join(self.cache_address, str(index))
      , save_path + ".cd")
      , save_path + ".cl")
                self.cache[index] = save_path
            if self.cache_address is None:
                sample, target = self.cache[index]
                sample = torch.load(self.cache[index] + ".cd")
                target = torch.load(self.cache[index] + ".cl")
        return sample, target

    def reset_cache(self):
        r"""Clears the cached data. It is useful when you want to change a pre-processing parameter during
        the training process.
        if self.cache_address is not None:
            for add in self.cache:
                os.remove(add + ".cd")
                os.remove(add + ".cl")
        self.cache = [None] * len(self)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.dataset)


def to_pair(data)

Converts a single or a tuple of data into a pair. If the data is a tuple with more than two elements, it selects the first two of them. In case of single data, it duplicates that data into a pair.


data : object or tuple
The input data.


A pair of data.
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def to_pair(data):
    r"""Converts a single or a tuple of data into a pair. If the data is a tuple with more than two elements, it selects
    the first two of them. In case of single data, it duplicates that data into a pair.

        data (object or tuple): The input data.

        Tuple: A pair of data.
    if isinstance(data, tuple):
        return data[0:2]
    return (data, data)
def generate_inhibition_kernel(inhibition_percents)

Generates an inhibition kernel suitable to be used by :func:~functional.intensity_lateral_inhibition.


inhibition_percents : sequence
The sequence of inhibition factors (in range [0,1]).


Inhibition kernel.
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def generate_inhibition_kernel(inhibition_percents):
    r"""Generates an inhibition kernel suitable to be used by :func:`~functional.intensity_lateral_inhibition`.

        inhibition_percents (sequence): The sequence of inhibition factors (in range [0,1]).

        Tensor: Inhibition kernel.
    inhibition_kernel = torch.zeros(2*len(inhibition_percents)+1, 2*len(inhibition_percents)+1).float()
    center = len(inhibition_percents)
    for i in range(2*len(inhibition_percents)+1):
        for j in range(2*len(inhibition_percents)+1):
            dist = int(max(math.fabs(i - center), math.fabs(j - center)))
            if dist != 0:
                inhibition_kernel[i,j] = inhibition_percents[dist - 1]
    return inhibition_kernel
def tensor_to_text(data, address)

Saves a tensor into a text file in row-major format. The first line of the file contains comma-separated integers denoting the size of each dimension. The second line contains comma-separated values indicating all the tensor's data.


data : Tensor
The tensor to be saved.
address : str
The saving address.
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def tensor_to_text(data, address):
    r"""Saves a tensor into a text file in row-major format. The first line of the file contains comma-separated integers denoting
    the size of each dimension. The second line contains comma-separated values indicating all the tensor's data.

        data (Tensor): The tensor to be saved.
        address (str): The saving address.
    f = open(address, "w")
    data_cpu = data.cpu()
    shape = data.shape
    print(",".join(map(str, shape)), file=f)
    data_flat = data_cpu.view(-1).numpy()
    print(",".join(data_flat.astype(np.str)), file=f)
def text_to_tensor(address, type='float')

Loads a tensor from a text file. Format of the text file is as follows: The first line of the file contains comma-separated integers denoting the size of each dimension. The second line contains comma-separated values indicating all the tensor's data.


address : str
Address of the text file.
type : float or int, optional
The type of the tensor's data ('float' or 'int'). Default: 'float'


The loaded tensor.
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def text_to_tensor(address, type='float'):
    r"""Loads a tensor from a text file. Format of the text file is as follows: The first line of the file contains comma-separated integers denoting
    the size of each dimension. The second line contains comma-separated values indicating all the tensor's data.

        address (str): Address of the text file.
        type (float or int, optional): The type of the tensor's data ('float' or 'int'). Default: 'float'

        Tensor: The loaded tensor.
    f = open(address, "r")
    shape = tuple(map(int, f.readline().split(",")))
    data = np.array(f.readline().split(","))
    if type == 'float':
        data = data.astype(np.float32)
    elif type == 'int':
        data = data.astype(np.int32)
        raise ValueError("type must be 'int' or 'float'")
    data = torch.from_numpy(data)
    data = data.reshape(shape)
    return data


class LateralIntencityInhibition (inhibition_percents)

Applies lateral inhibition on intensities. For each location, this inhibition decreases the intensity of the surrounding cells that has lower intensities by a specific factor. This factor is relative to the distance of the neighbors and are put in the :attr:inhibition_percents.


inhibition_percents : sequence
The sequence of inhibition factors (in range [0,1]).
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class LateralIntencityInhibition:
    r"""Applies lateral inhibition on intensities. For each location, this inhibition decreases the intensity of the
    surrounding cells that has lower intensities by a specific factor. This factor is relative to the distance of the
    neighbors and are put in the :attr:`inhibition_percents`.

        inhibition_percents (sequence): The sequence of inhibition factors (in range [0,1]).
    def __init__(self, inhibition_percents):
        self.inhibition_kernel = generate_inhibition_kernel(inhibition_percents)

    # decrease lateral intencities by factors given in the inhibition_kernel
    def intensity_lateral_inhibition(self, intencities):

        inh_win_size = self.inhibition_kernel.size(-1)
        rad = inh_win_size//2
        # repeat each value
        values = intencities.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,1)
        values = values.repeat(1,1,1,inh_win_size)
        values = values.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,intencities.size(-1)*inh_win_size)
        values = values.repeat(1,1,1,inh_win_size)
        values = values.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,intencities.size(-1)*inh_win_size)
        # extend patches
        padded = fn.pad(intencities,(rad,rad,rad,rad))
        # column-wise
        patches = padded.unfold(-1,inh_win_size,1)
        patches = patches.reshape(patches.size(0),patches.size(1),patches.size(2),-1,patches.size(3)*patches.size(4))
        # row-wise
        patches = patches.unfold(-2,inh_win_size,1).transpose(-1,-2)
        patches = patches.reshape(patches.size(0),patches.size(1),1,-1,patches.size(-1))
        # compare each element by its neighbors
        coef = values - patches
        coef.clamp_(min=0).sign_() # "ones" are neighbors greater than center
        # convolution with full stride to get accumulative inhibiiton factor
        factors = fn.conv2d(coef, self.inhibition_kernel, stride=inh_win_size)
        result = intencities + intencities * factors

        return result

    def __call__(self,input):
        return self.intensity_lateral_inhibition(input)


def intensity_lateral_inhibition(self, intencities)
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def intensity_lateral_inhibition(self, intencities):

    inh_win_size = self.inhibition_kernel.size(-1)
    rad = inh_win_size//2
    # repeat each value
    values = intencities.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,1)
    values = values.repeat(1,1,1,inh_win_size)
    values = values.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,intencities.size(-1)*inh_win_size)
    values = values.repeat(1,1,1,inh_win_size)
    values = values.reshape(intencities.size(0),intencities.size(1),-1,intencities.size(-1)*inh_win_size)
    # extend patches
    padded = fn.pad(intencities,(rad,rad,rad,rad))
    # column-wise
    patches = padded.unfold(-1,inh_win_size,1)
    patches = patches.reshape(patches.size(0),patches.size(1),patches.size(2),-1,patches.size(3)*patches.size(4))
    # row-wise
    patches = patches.unfold(-2,inh_win_size,1).transpose(-1,-2)
    patches = patches.reshape(patches.size(0),patches.size(1),1,-1,patches.size(-1))
    # compare each element by its neighbors
    coef = values - patches
    coef.clamp_(min=0).sign_() # "ones" are neighbors greater than center
    # convolution with full stride to get accumulative inhibiiton factor
    factors = fn.conv2d(coef, self.inhibition_kernel, stride=inh_win_size)
    result = intencities + intencities * factors

    return result
class FilterKernel (window_size)

Base class for generating image filter kernels such as Gabor, DoG, etc. Each subclass should override :attr:__call__ function.

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class FilterKernel:
    r"""Base class for generating image filter kernels such as Gabor, DoG, etc. Each subclass should override :attr:`__call__` function.
    def __init__(self, window_size):
        self.window_size = window_size

    def __call__(self):


class DoGKernel (window_size, sigma1, sigma2)

Generates DoG filter kernel.


window_size : int
The size of the window (square window).
sigma1 : float
The sigma for the first Gaussian function.
sigma2 : float
The sigma for the second Gaussian function.
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class DoGKernel(FilterKernel):
    r"""Generates DoG filter kernel.

        window_size (int): The size of the window (square window).
        sigma1 (float): The sigma for the first Gaussian function.
        sigma2 (float): The sigma for the second Gaussian function.
    def __init__(self, window_size, sigma1, sigma2):
        super(DoGKernel, self).__init__(window_size)
        self.sigma1 = sigma1
        self.sigma2 = sigma2

    # returns a 2d tensor corresponding to the requested DoG filter
    def __call__(self):
        w = self.window_size//2
        x, y = np.mgrid[-w:w+1:1, -w:w+1:1]
        a = 1.0 / (2 * math.pi)
        prod = x*x + y*y
        f1 = (1/(self.sigma1*self.sigma1)) * np.exp(-0.5 * (1/(self.sigma1*self.sigma1)) * (prod))
        f2 = (1/(self.sigma2*self.sigma2)) * np.exp(-0.5 * (1/(self.sigma2*self.sigma2)) * (prod))
        dog = a * (f1-f2)
        dog_mean = np.mean(dog)
        dog = dog - dog_mean
        dog_max = np.max(dog)
        dog = dog / dog_max
        dog_tensor = torch.from_numpy(dog)
        return dog_tensor.float()


class GaborKernel (window_size, orientation, div=4.0)

Generates Gabor filter kernel.


window_size : int
The size of the window (square window).
orientation : float
The orientation of the Gabor filter (in degrees).
div : float, optional
The divisor of the lambda equation. Default: 4.0
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class GaborKernel(FilterKernel):
    r"""Generates Gabor filter kernel.

        window_size (int): The size of the window (square window).
        orientation (float): The orientation of the Gabor filter (in degrees).
        div (float, optional): The divisor of the lambda equation. Default: 4.0
    def __init__(self, window_size, orientation, div=4.0):
        super(GaborKernel, self).__init__(window_size)
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.div = div

    # returns a 2d tensor corresponding to the requested Gabor filter
    def __call__(self):
        w = self.window_size//2
        x, y = np.mgrid[-w:w+1:1, -w:w+1:1]
        lamda = self.window_size * 2 / self.div
        sigma = lamda * 0.8
        sigmaSq = sigma * sigma
        g = 0.3;
        theta = (self.orientation * np.pi) / 180;
        Y = y*np.cos(theta) - x*np.sin(theta)
        X = y*np.sin(theta) + x*np.cos(theta)
        gabor = np.exp(-(X * X + g * g * Y * Y) / (2 * sigmaSq)) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * X / lamda);
        gabor_mean = np.mean(gabor)
        gabor = gabor - gabor_mean
        gabor_max = np.max(gabor)
        gabor = gabor / gabor_max
        gabor_tensor = torch.from_numpy(gabor)
        return gabor_tensor.float()


class Filter (filter_kernels, padding=0, thresholds=None, use_abs=False)

Applies a filter transform. Each filter contains a sequence of :attr:FilterKernel objects. The result of each filter kernel will be passed through a given threshold (if not :attr:None).


filter_kernels : sequence of FilterKernels
The sequence of filter kernels.
padding : int, optional
The size of the padding for the convolution of filter kernels. Default: 0
thresholds : sequence of floats, optional
The threshold for each filter kernel. Default: None
use_abs : boolean, optional
To compute the absolute value of the outputs or not. Default: False


The size of the compund filter kernel tensor (stack of individual filter kernels) will be equal to the greatest window size among kernels. All other smaller kernels will be zero-padded with an appropriate amount.

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class Filter:
    r"""Applies a filter transform. Each filter contains a sequence of :attr:`FilterKernel` objects.
    The result of each filter kernel will be passed through a given threshold (if not :attr:`None`).

        filter_kernels (sequence of FilterKernels): The sequence of filter kernels.
        padding (int, optional): The size of the padding for the convolution of filter kernels. Default: 0
        thresholds (sequence of floats, optional): The threshold for each filter kernel. Default: None
        use_abs (boolean, optional): To compute the absolute value of the outputs or not. Default: False

    .. note::

        The size of the compund filter kernel tensor (stack of individual filter kernels) will be equal to the 
        greatest window size among kernels. All other smaller kernels will be zero-padded with an appropriate 
    # filter_kernels must be a list of filter kernels
    # thresholds must be a list of thresholds for each kernel
    def __init__(self, filter_kernels, padding=0, thresholds=None, use_abs=False):
        tensor_list = []
        self.max_window_size = 0
        for kernel in filter_kernels:
            if isinstance(kernel, torch.Tensor):
                self.max_window_size = max(self.max_window_size, kernel.size(-1))
                self.max_window_size = max(self.max_window_size, kernel.window_size)
        for i in range(len(tensor_list)):
            p = (self.max_window_size - filter_kernels[i].window_size)//2
            tensor_list[i] = fn.pad(tensor_list[i], (p,p,p,p))

        self.kernels = torch.stack(tensor_list)
        self.number_of_kernels = len(filter_kernels)
        self.padding = padding
        if isinstance(thresholds, list):
            self.thresholds = thresholds.clone().detach()
            self.thresholds = thresholds
        self.use_abs = use_abs

    # returns a 4d tensor containing the flitered versions of the input image
    # input is a 4d tensor. dim: (minibatch=1, filter_kernels, height, width)
    def __call__(self, input):
        output = fn.conv2d(input, self.kernels, padding = self.padding).float()
        if not(self.thresholds is None):
            output = torch.where(output < self.thresholds, torch.tensor(0.0, device=output.device), output)
        if self.use_abs:
        return output
class Intensity2Latency (number_of_spike_bins, to_spike=False)

Applies intensity to latency transform. Spike waves are generated in the form of spike bins with almost equal number of spikes.


number_of_spike_bins : int
Number of spike bins (time steps).
to_spike : boolean, optional
To generate spike-wave tensor or not. Default: False


If :attr:to_spike is :attr:False, then the result is intesities that are ordered and packed into bins.

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class Intensity2Latency:
    r"""Applies intensity to latency transform. Spike waves are generated in the form of
    spike bins with almost equal number of spikes.

        number_of_spike_bins (int): Number of spike bins (time steps).
        to_spike (boolean, optional): To generate spike-wave tensor or not. Default: False

    .. note::

        If :attr:`to_spike` is :attr:`False`, then the result is intesities that are ordered and packed into bins.
    def __init__(self, number_of_spike_bins, to_spike=False):
        self.time_steps = number_of_spike_bins
        self.to_spike = to_spike
    # intencities is a tensor of input intencities (1, input_channels, height, width)
    # returns a tensor of tensors containing spikes in each timestep (considers minibatch for timesteps)
    # spikes are accumulative, i.e. spikes in timestep i are also presented in i+1, i+2, ...
    def intensity_to_latency(self, intencities):
        #bins = []
        bins_intencities = []
        nonzero_cnt = torch.nonzero(intencities).size()[0]

        #check for empty bins
        bin_size = nonzero_cnt//self.time_steps

        intencities_flattened = torch.reshape(intencities, (-1,))
        intencities_flattened_sorted = torch.sort(intencities_flattened, descending=True)

        #bin packing
        sorted_bins_value, sorted_bins_idx = torch.split(intencities_flattened_sorted[0], bin_size), torch.split(intencities_flattened_sorted[1], bin_size)

        #add to the list of timesteps
        spike_map = torch.zeros_like(intencities_flattened_sorted[0])
        for i in range(self.time_steps):
            spike_map.scatter_(0, sorted_bins_idx[i], sorted_bins_value[i])
            spike_map_copy = spike_map.clone().detach()
            spike_map_copy = spike_map_copy.reshape(tuple(intencities.shape))
        return torch.stack(bins_intencities)#, torch.stack(bins)
        #return torch.stack(bins)

    def __call__(self, image):
        if self.to_spike:
            return self.intensity_to_latency(image).sign()
        return self.intensity_to_latency(image)


def intensity_to_latency(self, intencities)
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def intensity_to_latency(self, intencities):
    #bins = []
    bins_intencities = []
    nonzero_cnt = torch.nonzero(intencities).size()[0]

    #check for empty bins
    bin_size = nonzero_cnt//self.time_steps

    intencities_flattened = torch.reshape(intencities, (-1,))
    intencities_flattened_sorted = torch.sort(intencities_flattened, descending=True)

    #bin packing
    sorted_bins_value, sorted_bins_idx = torch.split(intencities_flattened_sorted[0], bin_size), torch.split(intencities_flattened_sorted[1], bin_size)

    #add to the list of timesteps
    spike_map = torch.zeros_like(intencities_flattened_sorted[0])

    for i in range(self.time_steps):
        spike_map.scatter_(0, sorted_bins_idx[i], sorted_bins_value[i])
        spike_map_copy = spike_map.clone().detach()
        spike_map_copy = spike_map_copy.reshape(tuple(intencities.shape))

    return torch.stack(bins_intencities)#, torch.stack(bins)
    #return torch.stack(bins)
class CacheDataset (dataset, cache_address=None)

A wrapper dataset to cache pre-processed data. It can cache data on RAM or a secondary memory.


Since converting image into spike-wave can be time consuming, we recommend to wrap your dataset into a :attr:CacheDataset object.


dataset :
The reference dataset object.
cache_address : str, optional
The location of cache in the secondary memory. Use :attr:None to cache on RAM. Default: None
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class CacheDataset(
    r"""A wrapper dataset to cache pre-processed data. It can cache data on RAM or a secondary memory.

    .. note::

        Since converting image into spike-wave can be time consuming, we recommend to wrap your dataset into a :attr:`CacheDataset`

        dataset ( The reference dataset object.
        cache_address (str, optional): The location of cache in the secondary memory. Use :attr:`None` to cache on RAM. Default: None
    def __init__(self, dataset, cache_address=None):
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.cache_address = cache_address
        self.cache = [None] * len(self.dataset)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.cache[index] is None:
            #cache it
            sample, target = self.dataset[index]
            if self.cache_address is None:
                self.cache[index] = sample, target
                save_path = os.path.join(self.cache_address, str(index))
      , save_path + ".cd")
      , save_path + ".cl")
                self.cache[index] = save_path
            if self.cache_address is None:
                sample, target = self.cache[index]
                sample = torch.load(self.cache[index] + ".cd")
                target = torch.load(self.cache[index] + ".cl")
        return sample, target

    def reset_cache(self):
        r"""Clears the cached data. It is useful when you want to change a pre-processing parameter during
        the training process.
        if self.cache_address is not None:
            for add in self.cache:
                os.remove(add + ".cd")
                os.remove(add + ".cl")
        self.cache = [None] * len(self)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.dataset)


  • typing.Generic


def reset_cache(self)

Clears the cached data. It is useful when you want to change a pre-processing parameter during the training process.

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def reset_cache(self):
    r"""Clears the cached data. It is useful when you want to change a pre-processing parameter during
    the training process.
    if self.cache_address is not None:
        for add in self.cache:
            os.remove(add + ".cd")
            os.remove(add + ".cl")
    self.cache = [None] * len(self)