Module SpykeTorch.snn
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as fn
from . import functional as sf
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from .utils import to_pair
class Convolution(nn.Module):
r"""Performs a 2D convolution over an input spike-wave composed of several input
planes. Current version only supports stride of 1 with no padding.
The input is a 4D tensor with the size :math:`(T, C_{{in}}, H_{{in}}, W_{{in}})` and the crresponsing output
is of size :math:`(T, C_{{out}}, H_{{out}}, W_{{out}})`,
where :math:`T` is the number of time steps, :math:`C` is the number of feature maps (channels), and
:math:`H`, and :math:`W` are the hight and width of the input/output planes.
* :attr:`in_channels` controls the number of input planes (channels/feature maps).
* :attr:`out_channels` controls the number of feature maps in the current layer.
* :attr:`kernel_size` controls the size of the convolution kernel. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers.
* :attr:`weight_mean` controls the mean of the normal distribution used for initial random weights.
* :attr:`weight_std` controls the standard deviation of the normal distribution used for initial random weights.
.. note::
Since this version of convolution does not support padding, it is the user responsibility to add proper padding
on the input before applying convolution.
in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input.
out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution.
kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernel.
weight_mean (float, optional): Mean of the initial random weights. Default: 0.8
weight_std (float, optional): Standard deviation of the initial random weights. Default: 0.02
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, weight_mean=0.8, weight_std=0.02):
super(Convolution, self).__init__()
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.kernel_size = to_pair(kernel_size)
#self.weight_mean = weight_mean
#self.weight_std = weight_std
# For future use
self.stride = 1
self.bias = None
self.dilation = 1
self.groups = 1
self.padding = 0
# Parameters
self.weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.out_channels, self.in_channels, *self.kernel_size))
self.weight.requires_grad_(False) # We do not use gradients
self.reset_weight(weight_mean, weight_std)
def reset_weight(self, weight_mean=0.8, weight_std=0.02):
"""Resets weights to random values based on a normal distribution.
weight_mean (float, optional): Mean of the random weights. Default: 0.8
weight_std (float, optional): Standard deviation of the random weights. Default: 0.02
self.weight.normal_(weight_mean, weight_std)
def load_weight(self, target):
"""Loads weights with the target tensor.
target (Tensor=): The target tensor.
def forward(self, input):
return fn.conv2d(input, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)
class Pooling(nn.Module):
r"""Performs a 2D max-pooling over an input signal (spike-wave or potentials) composed of several input
.. note::
Regarding the structure of the spike-wave tensors, application of max-pooling over spike-wave tensors results
in propagation of the earliest spike within each pooling window.
The input is a 4D tensor with the size :math:`(T, C, H_{{in}}, W_{{in}})` and the crresponsing output
is of size :math:`(T, C, H_{{out}}, W_{{out}})`,
where :math:`T` is the number of time steps, :math:`C` is the number of feature maps (channels), and
:math:`H`, and :math:`W` are the hight and width of the input/output planes.
* :attr:`kernel_size` controls the size of the pooling window. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers.
* :attr:`stride` controls the stride of the pooling. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. If the value is None, it does pooling with full stride.
* :attr:`padding` controls the amount of padding. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers.
kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the pooling window
stride (int or tuple, optional): Stride of the pooling window. Default: None
padding (int or tuple, optional): Size of the padding. Default: 0
def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0):
super(Pooling, self).__init__()
self.kernel_size = to_pair(kernel_size)
if stride is None:
self.stride = self.kernel_size
self.stride = to_pair(stride)
self.padding = to_pair(padding)
# For future use
self.dilation = 1
self.return_indices = False
self.ceil_mode = False
def forward(self, input):
return sf.pooling(input, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding)
class STDP(nn.Module):
r"""Performs STDP learning rule over synapses of a convolutional layer based on the following formulation:
.. math::
\Delta W_{ij}=
a_{LTP}\times \left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right) & \ \ \ t_j - t_i \leq 0,\\
a_{LTD}\times \left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right) & \ \ \ t_j - t_i > 0,\\
where :math:`i` and :math:`j` refer to the post- and pre-synaptic neurons, respectively,
:math:`\Delta w_{ij}` is the amount of weight change for the synapse connecting the two neurons,
and :math:`a_{LTP}`, and :math:`a_{LTD}` scale the magnitude of weight change. Besides,
:math:`\left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right)` is a stabilizer term which
slowes down the weight change when the synaptic weight is close to the weight's lower (:math:`W_{LB}`)
and upper (:math:`W_{UB}`) bounds.
To create a STDP object, you need to provide:
* :attr:`conv_layer`: The convolutional layer on which the STDP should be applied.
* :attr:`learning_rate`: (:math:`a_{LTP}`, :math:`a_{LTD}`) rates. A single pair of floats or a list of pairs of floats. Each feature map has its own learning rates.
* :attr:`use_stabilizer`: Turns the stabilizer term on or off.
* :attr:`lower_bound` and :attr:`upper_bound`: Control the range of weights.
To apply STDP for a particular stimulus, you need to provide:
* :attr:`input_spikes` and :attr:`potentials` that are the input spike-wave and corresponding potentials, respectively.
* :attr:`output_spikes` that is the output spike-wave.
* :attr:`winners` or :attr:`kwta` to find winners based on the earliest spike then the maximum potential.
* :attr:`inhibition_radius` to inhibit surrounding neurons (in all feature maps) within a particular radius.
conv_layer (snn.Convolution): Reference convolutional layer.
learning_rate (tuple of floats or list of tuples of floats): (LTP, LTD) rates for STDP.
use_stabilizer (boolean, optional): Turning stabilizer term on or off. Default: True
lower_bound (float, optional): Lower bound of the weight range. Default: 0
upper_bound (float, optional): Upper bound of the weight range. Default: 1
def __init__(self, conv_layer, learning_rate, use_stabilizer = True, lower_bound = 0, upper_bound = 1):
super(STDP, self).__init__()
self.conv_layer = conv_layer
if isinstance(learning_rate, list):
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.learning_rate = [learning_rate] * conv_layer.out_channels
for i in range(conv_layer.out_channels):
self.learning_rate[i] = (Parameter(torch.tensor([self.learning_rate[i][0]])),
self.register_parameter('ltp_' + str(i), self.learning_rate[i][0])
self.register_parameter('ltd_' + str(i), self.learning_rate[i][1])
self.use_stabilizer = use_stabilizer
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
def get_pre_post_ordering(self, input_spikes, output_spikes, winners):
r"""Computes the ordering of the input and output spikes with respect to the position of each winner and
returns them as a list of boolean tensors. True for pre-then-post (or concurrency) and False for post-then-pre.
Input and output tensors must be spike-waves.
input_spikes (Tensor): Input spike-wave
output_spikes (Tensor): Output spike-wave
winners (List of Tuples): List of winners. Each tuple denotes a winner in a form of a triplet (feature, row, column).
List: pre-post ordering of spikes
# accumulating input and output spikes to get latencies
input_latencies = torch.sum(input_spikes, dim=0)
output_latencies = torch.sum(output_spikes, dim=0)
result = []
for winner in winners:
# generating repeated output tensor with the same size of the receptive field
out_tensor = torch.ones(*self.conv_layer.kernel_size, device=output_latencies.device) * output_latencies[winner]
# slicing input tensor with the same size of the receptive field centered around winner
# since there is no padding, there is no need to shift it to the center
in_tensor = input_latencies[:,winner[-2]:winner[-2]+self.conv_layer.kernel_size[-2],winner[-1]:winner[-1]+self.conv_layer.kernel_size[-1]]
return result
# simple STDP rule
# gets prepost pairings, winners, weights, and learning rates (all shoud be tensors)
def forward(self, input_spikes, potentials, output_spikes, winners=None, kwta = 1, inhibition_radius = 0):
if winners is None:
winners = sf.get_k_winners(potentials, kwta, inhibition_radius, output_spikes)
pairings = self.get_pre_post_ordering(input_spikes, output_spikes, winners)
lr = torch.zeros_like(self.conv_layer.weight)
for i in range(len(winners)):
f = winners[i][0]
lr[f] = torch.where(pairings[i], *(self.learning_rate[f]))
self.conv_layer.weight += lr * ((self.conv_layer.weight-self.lower_bound) * (self.upper_bound-self.conv_layer.weight) if self.use_stabilizer else 1)
self.conv_layer.weight.clamp_(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound)
def update_learning_rate(self, feature, ap, an):
r"""Updates learning rate for a specific feature map.
feature (int): The target feature.
ap (float): LTP rate.
an (float): LTD rate.
self.learning_rate[feature][0][0] = ap
self.learning_rate[feature][1][0] = an
def update_all_learning_rate(self, ap, an):
r"""Updates learning rates of all the feature maps to a same value.
ap (float): LTP rate.
an (float): LTD rate.
for feature in range(self.conv_layer.out_channels):
self.learning_rate[feature][0][0] = ap
self.learning_rate[feature][1][0] = an
class Convolution (in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, weight_mean=0.8, weight_std=0.02)
Performs a 2D convolution over an input spike-wave composed of several input planes. Current version only supports stride of 1 with no padding.
The input is a 4D tensor with the size :math:
(T, C_{{in}}, H_{{in}}, W_{{in}})
and the crresponsing output is of size :math:(T, C_{{out}}, H_{{out}}, W_{{out}})
, where :math:T
is the number of time steps, :math:C
is the number of feature maps (channels), and :math:H
, and :math:W
are the hight and width of the input/output planes.-
controls the number of input planes (channels/feature maps). -
controls the number of feature maps in the current layer. -
controls the size of the convolution kernel. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. -
controls the mean of the normal distribution used for initial random weights. -
controls the standard deviation of the normal distribution used for initial random weights.
Since this version of convolution does not support padding, it is the user responsibility to add proper padding on the input before applying convolution.
- Number of channels in the input.
- Number of channels produced by the convolution.
- Size of the convolving kernel.
, optional- Mean of the initial random weights. Default: 0.8
, optional- Standard deviation of the initial random weights. Default: 0.02
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Convolution(nn.Module): r"""Performs a 2D convolution over an input spike-wave composed of several input planes. Current version only supports stride of 1 with no padding. The input is a 4D tensor with the size :math:`(T, C_{{in}}, H_{{in}}, W_{{in}})` and the crresponsing output is of size :math:`(T, C_{{out}}, H_{{out}}, W_{{out}})`, where :math:`T` is the number of time steps, :math:`C` is the number of feature maps (channels), and :math:`H`, and :math:`W` are the hight and width of the input/output planes. * :attr:`in_channels` controls the number of input planes (channels/feature maps). * :attr:`out_channels` controls the number of feature maps in the current layer. * :attr:`kernel_size` controls the size of the convolution kernel. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. * :attr:`weight_mean` controls the mean of the normal distribution used for initial random weights. * :attr:`weight_std` controls the standard deviation of the normal distribution used for initial random weights. .. note:: Since this version of convolution does not support padding, it is the user responsibility to add proper padding on the input before applying convolution. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input. out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution. kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernel. weight_mean (float, optional): Mean of the initial random weights. Default: 0.8 weight_std (float, optional): Standard deviation of the initial random weights. Default: 0.02 """ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, weight_mean=0.8, weight_std=0.02): super(Convolution, self).__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.kernel_size = to_pair(kernel_size) #self.weight_mean = weight_mean #self.weight_std = weight_std # For future use self.stride = 1 self.bias = None self.dilation = 1 self.groups = 1 self.padding = 0 # Parameters self.weight = Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.out_channels, self.in_channels, *self.kernel_size)) self.weight.requires_grad_(False) # We do not use gradients self.reset_weight(weight_mean, weight_std) def reset_weight(self, weight_mean=0.8, weight_std=0.02): """Resets weights to random values based on a normal distribution. Args: weight_mean (float, optional): Mean of the random weights. Default: 0.8 weight_std (float, optional): Standard deviation of the random weights. Default: 0.02 """ self.weight.normal_(weight_mean, weight_std) def load_weight(self, target): """Loads weights with the target tensor. Args: target (Tensor=): The target tensor. """ self.weight.copy_(target) def forward(self, input): return fn.conv2d(input, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def reset_weight(self, weight_mean=0.8, weight_std=0.02)
Resets weights to random values based on a normal distribution.
, optional- Mean of the random weights. Default: 0.8
, optional- Standard deviation of the random weights. Default: 0.02
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def reset_weight(self, weight_mean=0.8, weight_std=0.02): """Resets weights to random values based on a normal distribution. Args: weight_mean (float, optional): Mean of the random weights. Default: 0.8 weight_std (float, optional): Standard deviation of the random weights. Default: 0.02 """ self.weight.normal_(weight_mean, weight_std)
def load_weight(self, target)
Loads weights with the target tensor.
- The target tensor.
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def load_weight(self, target): """Loads weights with the target tensor. Args: target (Tensor=): The target tensor. """ self.weight.copy_(target)
def forward(self, input) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.Expand source code
def forward(self, input): return fn.conv2d(input, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)
class Pooling (kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0)
Performs a 2D max-pooling over an input signal (spike-wave or potentials) composed of several input planes.
Regarding the structure of the spike-wave tensors, application of max-pooling over spike-wave tensors results in propagation of the earliest spike within each pooling window.
The input is a 4D tensor with the size :math:
(T, C, H_{{in}}, W_{{in}})
and the crresponsing output is of size :math:(T, C, H_{{out}}, W_{{out}})
, where :math:T
is the number of time steps, :math:C
is the number of feature maps (channels), and :math:H
, and :math:W
are the hight and width of the input/output planes.-
controls the size of the pooling window. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. -
controls the stride of the pooling. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. If the value is None, it does pooling with full stride. -
controls the amount of padding. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers.
- Size of the pooling window
, optional- Stride of the pooling window. Default: None
, optional- Size of the padding. Default: 0
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Pooling(nn.Module): r"""Performs a 2D max-pooling over an input signal (spike-wave or potentials) composed of several input planes. .. note:: Regarding the structure of the spike-wave tensors, application of max-pooling over spike-wave tensors results in propagation of the earliest spike within each pooling window. The input is a 4D tensor with the size :math:`(T, C, H_{{in}}, W_{{in}})` and the crresponsing output is of size :math:`(T, C, H_{{out}}, W_{{out}})`, where :math:`T` is the number of time steps, :math:`C` is the number of feature maps (channels), and :math:`H`, and :math:`W` are the hight and width of the input/output planes. * :attr:`kernel_size` controls the size of the pooling window. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. * :attr:`stride` controls the stride of the pooling. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. If the value is None, it does pooling with full stride. * :attr:`padding` controls the amount of padding. It can be a single integer or a tuple of two integers. Args: kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the pooling window stride (int or tuple, optional): Stride of the pooling window. Default: None padding (int or tuple, optional): Size of the padding. Default: 0 """ def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0): super(Pooling, self).__init__() self.kernel_size = to_pair(kernel_size) if stride is None: self.stride = self.kernel_size else: self.stride = to_pair(stride) self.padding = to_pair(padding) # For future use self.dilation = 1 self.return_indices = False self.ceil_mode = False def forward(self, input): return sf.pooling(input, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding)
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, input) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.Expand source code
def forward(self, input): return sf.pooling(input, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding)
class STDP (conv_layer, learning_rate, use_stabilizer=True, lower_bound=0, upper_bound=1)
Performs STDP learning rule over synapses of a convolutional layer based on the following formulation:
\Delta W_{ij}= \begin{cases} a_{LTP}\times \left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right) & \ \ \ t_j - t_i \leq 0,\\ a_{LTD}\times \left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right) & \ \ \ t_j - t_i > 0,\\ \end{cases} where :math:
and :math:j
refer to the post- and pre-synaptic neurons, respectively, :math:\Delta w_{ij}
is the amount of weight change for the synapse connecting the two neurons, and :math:a_{LTP}
, and :math:a_{LTD}
scale the magnitude of weight change. Besides, :math:\left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right)
is a stabilizer term which slowes down the weight change when the synaptic weight is close to the weight's lower (:math:W_{LB}
) and upper (:math:W_{UB}
) bounds.To create a STDP object, you need to provide:
: The convolutional layer on which the STDP should be applied. -
: (:math:a_{LTP}
, :math:a_{LTD}
) rates. A single pair of floats or a list of pairs of floats. Each feature map has its own learning rates. -
: Turns the stabilizer term on or off. -
and :attr:upper_bound
: Control the range of weights.
To apply STDP for a particular stimulus, you need to provide:
and :attr:potentials
that are the input spike-wave and corresponding potentials, respectively. -
that is the output spike-wave. -
or :attr:kwta
to find winners based on the earliest spike then the maximum potential. -
to inhibit surrounding neurons (in all feature maps) within a particular radius.
- Reference convolutional layer.
- (LTP, LTD) rates for STDP.
, optional- Turning stabilizer term on or off. Default: True
, optional- Lower bound of the weight range. Default: 0
, optional- Upper bound of the weight range. Default: 1
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class STDP(nn.Module): r"""Performs STDP learning rule over synapses of a convolutional layer based on the following formulation: .. math:: \Delta W_{ij}= \begin{cases} a_{LTP}\times \left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right) & \ \ \ t_j - t_i \leq 0,\\ a_{LTD}\times \left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right) & \ \ \ t_j - t_i > 0,\\ \end{cases} where :math:`i` and :math:`j` refer to the post- and pre-synaptic neurons, respectively, :math:`\Delta w_{ij}` is the amount of weight change for the synapse connecting the two neurons, and :math:`a_{LTP}`, and :math:`a_{LTD}` scale the magnitude of weight change. Besides, :math:`\left(W_{ij}-W_{LB}\right)\times \left(W_{UP}-W_{ij}\right)` is a stabilizer term which slowes down the weight change when the synaptic weight is close to the weight's lower (:math:`W_{LB}`) and upper (:math:`W_{UB}`) bounds. To create a STDP object, you need to provide: * :attr:`conv_layer`: The convolutional layer on which the STDP should be applied. * :attr:`learning_rate`: (:math:`a_{LTP}`, :math:`a_{LTD}`) rates. A single pair of floats or a list of pairs of floats. Each feature map has its own learning rates. * :attr:`use_stabilizer`: Turns the stabilizer term on or off. * :attr:`lower_bound` and :attr:`upper_bound`: Control the range of weights. To apply STDP for a particular stimulus, you need to provide: * :attr:`input_spikes` and :attr:`potentials` that are the input spike-wave and corresponding potentials, respectively. * :attr:`output_spikes` that is the output spike-wave. * :attr:`winners` or :attr:`kwta` to find winners based on the earliest spike then the maximum potential. * :attr:`inhibition_radius` to inhibit surrounding neurons (in all feature maps) within a particular radius. Args: conv_layer (snn.Convolution): Reference convolutional layer. learning_rate (tuple of floats or list of tuples of floats): (LTP, LTD) rates for STDP. use_stabilizer (boolean, optional): Turning stabilizer term on or off. Default: True lower_bound (float, optional): Lower bound of the weight range. Default: 0 upper_bound (float, optional): Upper bound of the weight range. Default: 1 """ def __init__(self, conv_layer, learning_rate, use_stabilizer = True, lower_bound = 0, upper_bound = 1): super(STDP, self).__init__() self.conv_layer = conv_layer if isinstance(learning_rate, list): self.learning_rate = learning_rate else: self.learning_rate = [learning_rate] * conv_layer.out_channels for i in range(conv_layer.out_channels): self.learning_rate[i] = (Parameter(torch.tensor([self.learning_rate[i][0]])), Parameter(torch.tensor([self.learning_rate[i][1]]))) self.register_parameter('ltp_' + str(i), self.learning_rate[i][0]) self.register_parameter('ltd_' + str(i), self.learning_rate[i][1]) self.learning_rate[i][0].requires_grad_(False) self.learning_rate[i][1].requires_grad_(False) self.use_stabilizer = use_stabilizer self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound def get_pre_post_ordering(self, input_spikes, output_spikes, winners): r"""Computes the ordering of the input and output spikes with respect to the position of each winner and returns them as a list of boolean tensors. True for pre-then-post (or concurrency) and False for post-then-pre. Input and output tensors must be spike-waves. Args: input_spikes (Tensor): Input spike-wave output_spikes (Tensor): Output spike-wave winners (List of Tuples): List of winners. Each tuple denotes a winner in a form of a triplet (feature, row, column). Returns: List: pre-post ordering of spikes """ # accumulating input and output spikes to get latencies input_latencies = torch.sum(input_spikes, dim=0) output_latencies = torch.sum(output_spikes, dim=0) result = [] for winner in winners: # generating repeated output tensor with the same size of the receptive field out_tensor = torch.ones(*self.conv_layer.kernel_size, device=output_latencies.device) * output_latencies[winner] # slicing input tensor with the same size of the receptive field centered around winner # since there is no padding, there is no need to shift it to the center in_tensor = input_latencies[:,winner[-2]:winner[-2]+self.conv_layer.kernel_size[-2],winner[-1]:winner[-1]+self.conv_layer.kernel_size[-1]] result.append(,out_tensor)) return result # simple STDP rule # gets prepost pairings, winners, weights, and learning rates (all shoud be tensors) def forward(self, input_spikes, potentials, output_spikes, winners=None, kwta = 1, inhibition_radius = 0): if winners is None: winners = sf.get_k_winners(potentials, kwta, inhibition_radius, output_spikes) pairings = self.get_pre_post_ordering(input_spikes, output_spikes, winners) lr = torch.zeros_like(self.conv_layer.weight) for i in range(len(winners)): f = winners[i][0] lr[f] = torch.where(pairings[i], *(self.learning_rate[f])) self.conv_layer.weight += lr * ((self.conv_layer.weight-self.lower_bound) * (self.upper_bound-self.conv_layer.weight) if self.use_stabilizer else 1) self.conv_layer.weight.clamp_(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound) def update_learning_rate(self, feature, ap, an): r"""Updates learning rate for a specific feature map. Args: feature (int): The target feature. ap (float): LTP rate. an (float): LTD rate. """ self.learning_rate[feature][0][0] = ap self.learning_rate[feature][1][0] = an def update_all_learning_rate(self, ap, an): r"""Updates learning rates of all the feature maps to a same value. Args: ap (float): LTP rate. an (float): LTD rate. """ for feature in range(self.conv_layer.out_channels): self.learning_rate[feature][0][0] = ap self.learning_rate[feature][1][0] = an
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def get_pre_post_ordering(self, input_spikes, output_spikes, winners)
Computes the ordering of the input and output spikes with respect to the position of each winner and returns them as a list of boolean tensors. True for pre-then-post (or concurrency) and False for post-then-pre. Input and output tensors must be spike-waves.
- Input spike-wave
- Output spike-wave
- List of winners. Each tuple denotes a winner in a form of a triplet (feature, row, column).
- pre-post ordering of spikes
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def get_pre_post_ordering(self, input_spikes, output_spikes, winners): r"""Computes the ordering of the input and output spikes with respect to the position of each winner and returns them as a list of boolean tensors. True for pre-then-post (or concurrency) and False for post-then-pre. Input and output tensors must be spike-waves. Args: input_spikes (Tensor): Input spike-wave output_spikes (Tensor): Output spike-wave winners (List of Tuples): List of winners. Each tuple denotes a winner in a form of a triplet (feature, row, column). Returns: List: pre-post ordering of spikes """ # accumulating input and output spikes to get latencies input_latencies = torch.sum(input_spikes, dim=0) output_latencies = torch.sum(output_spikes, dim=0) result = [] for winner in winners: # generating repeated output tensor with the same size of the receptive field out_tensor = torch.ones(*self.conv_layer.kernel_size, device=output_latencies.device) * output_latencies[winner] # slicing input tensor with the same size of the receptive field centered around winner # since there is no padding, there is no need to shift it to the center in_tensor = input_latencies[:,winner[-2]:winner[-2]+self.conv_layer.kernel_size[-2],winner[-1]:winner[-1]+self.conv_layer.kernel_size[-1]] result.append(,out_tensor)) return result
def forward(self, input_spikes, potentials, output_spikes, winners=None, kwta=1, inhibition_radius=0) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.Expand source code
def forward(self, input_spikes, potentials, output_spikes, winners=None, kwta = 1, inhibition_radius = 0): if winners is None: winners = sf.get_k_winners(potentials, kwta, inhibition_radius, output_spikes) pairings = self.get_pre_post_ordering(input_spikes, output_spikes, winners) lr = torch.zeros_like(self.conv_layer.weight) for i in range(len(winners)): f = winners[i][0] lr[f] = torch.where(pairings[i], *(self.learning_rate[f])) self.conv_layer.weight += lr * ((self.conv_layer.weight-self.lower_bound) * (self.upper_bound-self.conv_layer.weight) if self.use_stabilizer else 1) self.conv_layer.weight.clamp_(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound)
def update_learning_rate(self, feature, ap, an)
Updates learning rate for a specific feature map.
- The target feature.
- LTP rate.
- LTD rate.
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def update_learning_rate(self, feature, ap, an): r"""Updates learning rate for a specific feature map. Args: feature (int): The target feature. ap (float): LTP rate. an (float): LTD rate. """ self.learning_rate[feature][0][0] = ap self.learning_rate[feature][1][0] = an
def update_all_learning_rate(self, ap, an)
Updates learning rates of all the feature maps to a same value.
- LTP rate.
- LTD rate.
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def update_all_learning_rate(self, ap, an): r"""Updates learning rates of all the feature maps to a same value. Args: ap (float): LTP rate. an (float): LTD rate. """ for feature in range(self.conv_layer.out_channels): self.learning_rate[feature][0][0] = ap self.learning_rate[feature][1][0] = an