Module SpykeTorch.neurons
This modules contains implementations of Spiking Neuron Models:
- AdEx
- Izhikevich
- Heterogeneous Neurons.
The Neuron class is the base for all of the other classes and holds few common and useful methods.
Each neuron object holds its own state and computes updates one time-step at a time. This is done by using the __call__
method, which in turn makes the objects callable.
Within this method, a layer of neuron get updated depending on the neuron type and the received input (Post-Synaptic Potentials (PSPs)).
The output of a call to a neuron layer depends on a set of flags, but ultimately includes at least the propagated spikes, which are
the winners selected through a Winner(s)-Take-All (WTA) mechanism.
Within a neuron layer a lateral inhibition system puts neurons in refractory periods. Inhibition can be feature-wise or location-wise. Feature-wise inhibition will inhibit all the neurons that share the same kernel as the winning one(s). Location-wise inhibition will inhibit all the neurons that correspond to the same input-location as the winning one(s).
For most of the neurons (all except the Simple ones), the input is expected to be scaled by \frac{1}{t_s} (see Therefore, their output spikes are also scaled by this factor.
Expand source code
This modules contains implementations of Spiking Neuron Models:
- AdEx
- Izhikevich
- Heterogeneous Neurons.
The Neuron class is the base for all of the other classes and holds few common and useful methods.
Each neuron object holds its own state and computes updates one time-step at a time. This is done by using the `__call__`
method, which in turn makes the objects _callable_.
Within this method, a layer of neuron get updated depending on the neuron type and the received input (Post-Synaptic Potentials (PSPs)).
The output of a call to a neuron layer depends on a set of flags, but ultimately includes at least the propagated spikes, which are
the winners selected through a Winner(s)-Take-All (WTA) mechanism.
Within a neuron layer a lateral inhibition system puts neurons in refractory periods. Inhibition can be _feature-wise_ or
_location-wise_. Feature-wise inhibition will inhibit all the neurons that share the same kernel as the winning one(s).
Location-wise inhibition will inhibit all the neurons that correspond to the same input-location as the winning one(s).
For most of the neurons (all except the _Simple_ ones), the input is expected to be scaled by \(\\frac{1}{t_s}\)
(see Therefore, their output spikes are also scaled by this factor.
import torch
import numpy as np
from . import functional as sf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import sys
DEVICE = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
countC = 0
countY = 0
__pdoc__ = {"LIF.__call__": True,
"LIF_Simple.__call__": True,
"LIF_ode.__call__": True,
"EIF.__call__": True,
"QIF.__call__": True,
"AdEx.__call__": True,
"Izhikevich.__call__": True,}
class Neuron(object):
def __init__(self, ts=0.01, resting_potential=0.0, v_reset=None, threshold=None, refractory_timesteps=0,
self._threshold = threshold
self.resting_potential = resting_potential
self.previous_state = None
self._per_neuron_thresh = None
self.refractory_timestes = refractory_timesteps
self.ts = ts
self.refractoriness = refractory_timesteps*self.ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.v_reset = v_reset if v_reset is not None else resting_potential
self.inhibition_mode = inhibition_mode
def threshold(self):
return self._threshold
def threshold(self, threshold):
self._threshold = threshold
def per_neuron_thresh(self):
return self._per_neuron_thresh
def per_neuron_thresh(self, value):
self._per_neuron_thresh = value
def __str__(self):
return "Spiking_Neuron_Base_Class"
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()
def reset(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_params(self):
params = {}
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if not isinstance(v, torch.Tensor):
params[k] = v
return params
def get_thresholded_potentials(self, current_state):
General method to get thresholded membrane potentials, i.e. a Tensor where values are != 0.0 only if they were above
the corresponding neuron's threshold.
current_state (Tensor): membrane potentials of the neurons
Tensor: thresholded membrane potentials.
thresholded = current_state.clone().detach()
# inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed
thresholded[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
if self.per_neuron_thresh is None:
self.per_neuron_thresh = torch.ones(current_state.shape, device=DEVICE)*self.threshold
if self._threshold is None:
thresholded[:-1] = 0
thresholded[thresholded < self.per_neuron_thresh] = 0.0
return thresholded
def _f_ode(self, x, I=0):
raise NotImplementedError()
def plot_ode(self, figure: plt.Figure = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, current=None):
Plots the neuron's ODE. If current is given, ODE with and without current are plotted.
Multiple plots can be stack onto each other by passing the proper figure and axes as an argument.
figure (pyplot.Figure): Figure to use for plots. If None, a new one is created.
ax (pyplot.Axes): Axes to use for the plot. If None, a new one is created.
current: If provided, draws the current ON/OFF plots.
Tuple: The figure and axes of the plot.
f = False
if figure is None:
figure = plt.figure()
f = True
if ax is None:
ax = figure.add_subplot() # type: plt.Axes
neuron_name = self.__str__().split("_")[0]
x_points = np.linspace(self.resting_potential, self.threshold + self.threshold / 2, 300)
y0 = np.array([self._f_ode(x, 0) for x in x_points])
ax.plot(x_points, y0)
if current:
y1 = np.array([self._f_ode(x, current) for x in x_points])
ax.plot(x_points, y1)
xmax = ax.get_xlim()[1]
ax.set_xlim(min(x_points), max(max(x_points), xmax))
ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
if f:
ax.text(self.threshold, ymin+2, "Vth", horizontalalignment='left')
ax.vlines(self.threshold, -5e4, 5e4, "r", linestyles="dashed")
ax.set_ylim(bottom=min(min(y0), ymin)-5, top=self.threshold)
ax.hlines(0, min(x_points) - abs(min(x_points) / 4), max(x_points) + abs(max(x_points) / 4), "black",
leg = ax.get_legend()
labels = [label._text for label in leg.texts] if leg is not None else []
l = neuron_name
if current:
l += " Current OFF"
if current:
labels.append(neuron_name+" Current ON")
return figure, ax
def finalize_state_update(self, current_state, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1):
Generalized method to save neurons internal state after updates have been calculated, and to calculate
the return value for the \_\_call\_\_ methods.
Used to keep the code cleaner.
current_state (Tensor): Tensor of up-to-date states of neurons.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): Default: False.
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (int): Default 1.
Tuple: Return values depends on the selected flags.
(spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
# inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None)
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True
current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
self.previous_state = current_state
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt,)
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
return ret
class IF(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281):
Creates an Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials (from a preceding convolution)
and updates its state according to the amount of PSP received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike).
The neuron(s) state needs to be manually reset when a sequence of related inputs ends (unless the next input is
to be considered as related to the current one as well).
threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
tau_rc: the membrane time constant.
ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
# assert tau_rc / ts >= 10 # needs to hold for Taylor series approximation
super(IF, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
self.ts = ts
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts_over_tau = ts / tau_rc # for better performance (compute once and for all)
self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all)
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.C = C
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
def __str__(self):
return "IF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C)
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1):
r"""Computes the spike-wave tensor from tensor of potentials.
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
# potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True)
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
self.time_since_spike = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
current_state = previous_state.float().clone().detach()
# Input pulses.
# In the hypothesis that dt << tau_rc, we can use Taylor's expansion to approximate the exponential function.
# In this way we can more or less simply add the potentials in.
# input_spikes_impact = potentials * (1 - self.exp_term)
input_spikes_impact = potentials*self.ts/self.C # Taylor expansion form (See Neuronal Dynamics Ch.1 ¶ 1.3.2)
current_state += input_spikes_impact
current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None)
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
# by using this neuron model, spikes are assumed to have amplitude $ A = A_0/t_s $ where A_0 is the spike value
# (normally 1), and t_s is the time-step size.
spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners)
# name is non_inhibited_spikes because the corresponding neurons get into refractoriness as if they spiked,
# even if they haven't actually spiked.
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
# inhibit all the feature map
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True
current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
self.previous_state = current_state
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
self.time_since_spike += self.ts
self.time_since_spike[spiked] = 0.0
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt,)
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
return ret
class LIF(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281,
Creates a Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials and updates its state according to
the amount of 'energy' received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike).
The neuron(s) state needs to be manually reset when a sequence of related inputs ends (unless the next input is
to be considered as related to the current one as well).
threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
tau_rc: the membrane time constant.
ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
per_neuron_thresh: defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
# assert tau_rc / ts >= 10 # needs to hold for Taylor series approximation
Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
self.ts = ts
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts_over_tau = ts / tau_rc # for better performance (compute once and for all)
self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all)
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.C = C
self.per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_thresh
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
def __str__(self):
return "LIF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C)
def _f_ode(self, x, I=0):
return -(x - self.resting_potential) + (self.tau_rc/self.C)*I
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False):
r"""Computes a (time-) step update for layer of LIF neurons.
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
# potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True)
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
self.time_since_spike = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
self.time_since_injection = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
self.potential_at_last_injection = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
# ## adapted from Nengo LIF neuron ## #
# Exponential decay of the membrane potential.
# To avoid the need of an extra tensor of time-since-last-spike, we can model it as a difference using
# a constant exponential time step for the decay and eventually clipping the value to resting_pot.
# pot = resting_pot + torch.mul((previous_state - resting_pot), np.exp(-dt/tau_rc))
exp_term = torch.clip(torch.exp(-self.time_since_injection/self.tau_rc), max=1)
current_state = self.resting_potential + (self.potential_at_last_injection - self.resting_potential) * exp_term
# Input pulses.
# In the hypothesis that dt << tau_rc (at least one order of magnitude), we can use Taylor's expansion
# to approximate the exponential function. In this way we can more or less simply add the potentials in.
# input_spikes_impact = potentials * (1 - self.exp_term)
input_spikes_impact = potentials*self.ts/self.C # Taylor expansion form (See Neuronal Dynamics Ch.1 ¶ 1.3.2)
current_state += input_spikes_impact
self.time_since_injection += self.ts
self.time_since_injection[input_spikes_impact > 0] = self.ts
# inhibit where refractory period is not yet passed.
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None)
self.potential_at_last_injection[input_spikes_impact > 0] = current_state[input_spikes_impact > 0]
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
# resting = torch.full(potentials.size(), resting_pot)
# delta = torch.add(potentials, -previous_state)
# delta = torch.add(-previous_state, resting_pot)
# exp_term = -np.expm1(-dt / leaky_term)
# delta = torch.mul(delta, exp_term)
# current_state = torch.add(previous_state, -delta)
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
# by using this neuron model, spikes are assumed to have amplitude $ A = A_0/t_s $ where A_0 is the spike value
# (here 1), and t_s is the time-step size.
spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned
elif self.inhibition_mode == "location":
non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True
# non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True
current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential
self.previous_state = current_state
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
self.time_since_spike += self.ts
self.time_since_spike[spiked] = 0.0
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
ret = (spikes, )
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded, )
ret += (current_state, )
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt, )
if return_winners:
ret += (winners, )
if return_winning_spikes:
not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True)
for w in winners:
not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False
ws = spikes.clone()
ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0
ret += (ws, )
return ret
class LIF_Simple(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2,
A simplified version of the LIF neuron which does not take into account the capacitance and uses a simple decay.
With this class, spikes are propagated with amplitude \(A = 1\), instead of \(A = \\frac{1}{t_s}\)
threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
tau_rc: the membrane time constant.
ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
per_neuron_thresh: Defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = refractory_timesteps*ts
self.per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_threshold
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts = ts
assert tau_rc > 3*ts # needed for Taylor approx.; actually would be better with 6 times more than ts
self.decay = 1 - ts/tau_rc # Taylor approx
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
def __str__(self):
return "LIF_Simple_RT" + str(self.refractory_timesteps) + "_tau" + str(self.tau_rc)
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False):
Calculates a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons.
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
current_state = previous_state*self.decay
current_state += potentials
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
spikes = thresholded.sign()
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned
elif self.inhibition_mode == "location":
non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True
# non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True # to be used in single-neuron scenarios
current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential
self.previous_state = current_state
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
# emitted spikes are NOT scaled by dt
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (current_state-previous_state,)
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
if return_winning_spikes:
not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True)
for w in winners:
not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False
ws = spikes.clone()
ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0
ret += (ws,)
return ret
class LIF_ode(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281,
Creates a Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials and updates its state according to the amount of 'energy' received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike).
Differently from the LIF class, the LIF_ode uses the LIF ode to directly calculate updates time-step by time-step.
threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
tau_rc: the membrane time constant.
ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
per_neuron_thresh: Defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
# assert tau_rc / ts >= 10 # needs to hold for Taylor series approximation
super(LIF_ode, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
self.ts = ts
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts_over_tau = ts / tau_rc # for better performance (compute once and for all)
self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all)
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.C = C
self.per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_thresh
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
def __str__(self):
return "LIF_ode_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C)
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1):
"""Computes a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons.
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
# potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True)
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
du = (self.resting_potential - previous_state)*self.ts_over_tau
du += potentials * self.ts / self.C
current_state = previous_state + du
# inhibit where refractory period is not yet passed.
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None)
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
# inhibit the whole feature map for the next iteration. One feature map = one feature.
# One neuron firing in one feature map = one feature at that position.
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True
# non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True
current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential
self.previous_state = current_state
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
ret = (spikes, )
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded, )
ret += (current_state, )
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt, )
if return_winners:
ret += (winners, )
return ret
class EIF(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0,
refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None):
Creates a layer of exponential integrate and fire neurons.
threshold: Default: None.
tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: None.
resting_potential: Default: 0.0.
refractory_timesteps: Default: 2.
C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
v_reset: Default: None.
.. note:: `theta_rh` being `None` will cause `theta_rh` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\).
Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
# assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \
# "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2"
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts = ts
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.C = C
self.delta_t = delta_t
if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold
theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25%
self.theta_rh = theta_rh
if v_reset is None:
self.v_reset = resting_potential
self.v_reset = v_reset
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
def __str__(self):
return "EIF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C)
def _f_ode(self, x, I=0):
return -(x - self.resting_potential) + self.delta_t*np.exp((x-self.theta_rh)/self.delta_t) + (self.tau_rc / self.C) * I
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1):
Calculates the (time-) step update for the neurons as specified by the following differential equation:
\\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right)
+ R\\cdot I(t)
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
# potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True)
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
du = self.resting_potential - previous_state # -(previous_state - self.resting_potential)
du = du + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t)
du /= self.tau_rc
du += potentials/self.C
du *= self.ts
current_state = previous_state + du
# inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None)
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
# current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None)
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True
current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
self.previous_state = current_state
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt,)
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
return ret
class EIF_Simple(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0,
refractory_timesteps=2, v_reset=None, per_neuron_threshold=None):
Creates a layer of exponential integrate and fire neurons. These neurons are simplified with respect to the EIF class, in the sense that the capacitance is not used anymore, the linear decay is implemented through a simple multiplication and the incoming potentials are not expected to be scaled by \(\\frac{1}{t_s}\).
threshold: Default: None.
tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: None.
resting_potential: Default: 0.0.
refractory_timesteps: Default: 2.
C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
v_reset: Default: None.
.. note:: `theta_rh` being `None` will cause `theta_rh` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\).
Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self._per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_threshold
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts = ts
assert tau_rc > 3*ts # needed for Taylor approx.; actually would be better with 6 times more than ts
self.decay = 1 - ts/tau_rc # Taylor approx
self.delta_t = delta_t
if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold
theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25%
self.theta_rh = theta_rh
if v_reset is None:
self.v_reset = resting_potential
self.v_reset = v_reset
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
def per_neuron_thresh(self, value):
self._per_neuron_thresh = value
self.theta_rh = 0.75*value
def __str__(self):
return "EIF_Simple_RT" + str(self.refractory_timesteps) + "_tau" + str(self.tau_rc)
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False):
Calculates the (time-) step update for the neurons as specified by the following differential equation:
\\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right)
+ R\\cdot I(t)
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
current_state = previous_state*self.decay + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t)
current_state += potentials
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
spikes = thresholded.sign()
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned
elif self.inhibition_mode == "location":
non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True
# non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True
# neurons that fired a spike a reset to v_reset regardless of being winners
membrane_potential = current_state.clone().detach()
current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset
self.previous_state = current_state
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
# but only the winners (and the inhibited neurons) are given a refractory period.
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
# emitted spikes are NOT scaled by dt
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (membrane_potential,) # (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (current_state-previous_state,) # this will result in very negative dudt sometimes, can be done better
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
if return_winning_spikes:
not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True)
for w in winners:
not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False
ws = spikes.clone()
ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0
ret += (ws,)
return ret
class AdEx(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5,
theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0,
refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None,
a=0.6, b=0.7, tau_w=1):
Creates a layer of Adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire (AdEx) neurons.
threshold: Default: None.
tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau, in seconds. Default: 0.02.
ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
theta_rh: Rheobase threshold, if None it's equal to \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\). Default: None.
resting_potential: Default: 0.0.
refractory_timesteps: Default: 2.
C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
v_reset: After-spike reset voltage, if None it is equal to the resting potential. Default: None.
a: Adaptation variable parameter to regulate the adaptation dependence from the membrane potential. Default: 0.6.
b: Adaptation variable parameter to regulate the adaptation increase upon emission of a spike. Default: 0.7.
tau_w: Adaptation variable time constant. Default: 1.
super(AdEx, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
# assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \
# "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2"
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts = ts
self.delta_t = delta_t
if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold
theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25%
self.theta_rh = theta_rh
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.C = C
self.R = tau_rc/C
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.tau_w = tau_w
if v_reset is None:
self.v_reset = resting_potential
self.v_reset = v_reset
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
self.w = None
def __str__(self):
return "AdEx_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C)
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1):
Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron(s) as specified by the following differential equations:
\\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right)
- R\\cdot \\omega + R\\cdot I(t) \\\\
\\tau_w\\frac{d\\omega}{dt} = a(u - u_{rest}) + b\\sum_{t^{(f)}}\\delta(t-t^{(f)})
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
# potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True)
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
self.w = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
du = self.resting_potential - previous_state # -(previous_state - self.resting_potential)
du = du + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t)
currents_impact = (potentials - self.w)*self.R
du += currents_impact
du /= self.tau_rc
du *= self.ts
current_state = previous_state + du
# inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None)
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
# current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None)
# TODO: Maybe, given that a proper assumption according to Neuronal Dynamics book, would be to have
# TODO: threshold >> theta_rh + delta_t, if it is None I could set it to be 1 order of magnitude greater?
# TODO: i.e. threshold = (delta_T + theta_rh) * 10
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
# Implement the common adaptation variable update for all the neurons
self.w += (self.a*(current_state-self.resting_potential) - self.w)/self.tau_w*self.ts
# Add a current jump only where there has been a spike
self.w[spiked] += self.b # see for
# # why this is simply added in.
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
spikes = torch.div(torch.abs(thresholded.sign()), self.ts)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
# non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True
non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True
current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
self.previous_state = current_state
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt,)
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
return ret
class QIF(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, u_c=None, a=0.001, resting_potential=0.0,
refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None):
Creates a layer of Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (QIF) neurons.
threshold: Default: None.
tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
Cut-off threshold (negative-positive membrane potential update transition point). Default: None.
a: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the parabolic curve). Default: None.
resting_potential: Default: 0.0.
refractory_timesteps: Default: 2.
C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
v_reset: Default: None.
.. note:: `u_c` being `None` will cause `u_c` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\).
Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
# assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \
# "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2"
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts = ts
if u_c is None: # guess from threshold
u_c = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the 'rheobase' threshold smaller of the threshold by 25%
self.u_c = u_c
self.a = a
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.C = C
if v_reset is None:
self.v_reset = resting_potential
self.v_reset = v_reset
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
def __str__(self):
return "QIF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C)
def _f_ode(self, x, I=0):
return self.a*(x - self.resting_potential)*(x-self.u_c) + (self.tau_rc/self.C)*I
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1):
Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron as specified by the following differential equation:
\\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -a_0(u - u_{rest})(u - u_{c}) + R\\cdot I(t)
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
# TODO should consider multiplying input by a resistance?
# du = -(previous_state - self.resting_potential) \
# + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) \
# + potentials
du = previous_state - self.resting_potential
du = du * (previous_state - self.u_c) * self.a
du /= self.tau_rc
du += potentials/self.C
du *= self.ts
current_state = previous_state + du
# inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
torch.clip_(current_state, min=self.resting_potential)
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts)
# winners = sf.get_k_winners_davide(thresholded, spikes, self.per_neuron_thresh)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True
current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
self.previous_state = current_state
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt,)
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
return ret
class Izhikevich(Neuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001,
a=0.02, b=0.2, c=0.0, d=8.0,
refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None):
Creates a layer of Izhikevich's neurons.
tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: 5.
resting_potential: Default: 0.0.
threshold: Default: None.
super(Izhikevich, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold)
# assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \
# "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2"
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.ts = ts
# if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold
# theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25%
# self.theta_rh = theta_rh
self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps
self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts
self.refractory_periods = None
self.C = C
self.R = tau_rc/C
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.d = d
if v_reset is None:
self.v_reset = resting_potential
self.v_reset = v_reset
self.c = c if c is not None else self.v_reset
def reset(self):
self.previous_state = None
self.refractory_periods = None
self.w = None
def __str__(self):
return "Izhikevich_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C)
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False,
return_winners=True, n_winners=1):
Calculates the update amount for the neuron as specified by the following differential equations:
\\frac{du}{dt} = 0.04u^2 + 5u + 140 - \\omega + I \\\\
\\frac{d\\omega}{dt} = a(b\\cdot u - \\omega)
potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
return_dudt (bool): Default: False.
return_winners (bool): Default: True.
n_winners (bool): Default: 1.
Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
# potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True)
if self.previous_state is None:
self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE)
self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE)
self.w = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential*self.b, device=DEVICE)
previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach()
du = 0.04*previous_state**2 + 5*previous_state + 140
du += potentials
du -= self.w
current_state = previous_state + du
# inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed
current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential
# current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None)
dw = self.a*(self.b*current_state - self.w)
dudt = current_state - self.previous_state
# current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None)
thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state)
spiked = thresholded != 0.0
# Add a current jump only where there has been a spike
self.w = self.w + dw
self.w[spiked] += self.d
# emitted spikes are scaled by dt
spikes = torch.div(torch.abs(thresholded.sign()), self.ts)
winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes)
non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False)
for w in winners:
#non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True
non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True # TODO
current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset
# update refractory periods
self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts
self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness
self.previous_state = current_state
ret = (spikes,)
if return_thresholded_potentials:
ret += (thresholded,)
ret += (current_state,)
if return_dudt:
ret += (dudt,)
if return_winners:
ret += (winners,)
return ret
class HeterogeneousNeuron(Neuron):
def __init__(self, conv):
Base class for layers of neurons having a non-homogeneous set of parameters.
def get_uniform_distribution(self, range, size):
Creates a uniformly distributed set of values in the `range` and `size` provided.
range (list): Range to sample the values from.
size (tuple): Size of the Tensor to sample.
Tensor: Tensor containing the uniformly distributed values.
ones = np.ones(size)
uniform = np.random.uniform(*range, size=(size[0], size[1], 1, 1))
uniform = torch.from_numpy(uniform*ones)
class UniformLIF(LIF, HeterogeneousNeuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281,
Creates a layer of heterogeneous Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s).
threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike.
tau_range (list): Range of values from which to sample the \(\\tau_{rc}\).
ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
per_neuron_thresh: defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
LIF.__init__(self, threshold, C=C, refractory_timesteps=refractory_timesteps, ts=ts,
resting_potential=resting_potential, per_neuron_thresh=per_neuron_thresh)
self.threshold = threshold
self.tau_range = tau_range
self.taus = None
def __call__(self, potentials, *args, **kwargs):
if self.taus is None:
self.taus = self.get_uniform_distribution(self.tau_range, potentials.shape)
self.ts_over_tau = self.ts / self.taus.cpu().numpy() # for better performance (compute once and for all)
self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all)
return super(UniformLIF, self).__call__(potentials, *args, **kwargs)
class UniformEIF(EIF, HeterogeneousNeuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0,
refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None):
Creates a layer of heterogeneous Exponential Integrate and Fire (EIF) neurons.
threshold: Default: None.
tau_range (list): Range of values from which to sample the \(\\tau_{rc}\).
ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: None.
resting_potential: Default: 0.0.
refractory_timesteps: Default: 2.
C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
v_reset: Default: None.
.. note:: `theta_rh` being `None` will cause `theta_rh` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\).
EIF.__init__(self, threshold=threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=ts, delta_t=delta_t, theta_rh=theta_rh,
resting_potential=resting_potential, refractory_timesteps=refractory_timesteps, C=C,
self.tau_range = tau_range
self.taus = None
def __call__(self, potentials, *args, **kwargs):
if self.taus is None:
self.taus = self.get_uniform_distribution(self.tau_range, potentials.shape)
return super(UniformEIF, self).__call__(potentials, *args, **kwargs)
class UniformQIF(QIF, HeterogeneousNeuron):
def __init__(self, threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, u_c=None, a=0.001, resting_potential=0.0,
refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None):
Creates a layer of heterogeneous Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (QIF) neurons.
threshold: Default: None.
tau_range (list): Range of values from which to sample the \(\\tau_{rc}\).
ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
u_c: Cut-off threshold (negative-positive membrane potential update transition point). Default: 5.
a: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the parabolic curve). Default: None.
resting_potential: Default: 0.0.
refractory_timesteps: Default: 2.
C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
v_reset: Default: None.
.. note:: `u_c` being `None` will cause `u_c` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\).
QIF.__init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=ts, u_c=u_c, a=a, resting_potential=resting_potential,
refractory_timesteps=refractory_timesteps, C=C, v_reset=v_reset)
self.tau_range = tau_range
self.taus = None
def __call__(self, potentials, *args, **kwargs):
if self.taus is None:
self.taus = self.get_uniform_distribution(self.tau_range, potentials.shape)
return super(UniformQIF, self).__call__(potentials, *args, **kwargs)
class Neuron (ts=0.01, resting_potential=0.0, v_reset=None, threshold=None, refractory_timesteps=0, inhibition_mode='feature')
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class Neuron(object): def __init__(self, ts=0.01, resting_potential=0.0, v_reset=None, threshold=None, refractory_timesteps=0, inhibition_mode="feature"): self._threshold = threshold self.resting_potential = resting_potential self.previous_state = None self._per_neuron_thresh = None self.refractory_timestes = refractory_timesteps self.ts = ts self.refractoriness = refractory_timesteps*self.ts self.refractory_periods = None self.v_reset = v_reset if v_reset is not None else resting_potential self.inhibition_mode = inhibition_mode @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, threshold): self._threshold = threshold @property def per_neuron_thresh(self): return self._per_neuron_thresh @per_neuron_thresh.setter def per_neuron_thresh(self, value): self._per_neuron_thresh = value def __str__(self): return "Spiking_Neuron_Base_Class" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def reset(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_params(self): params = {} for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if not isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): params[k] = v return params def get_thresholded_potentials(self, current_state): """ General method to get thresholded membrane potentials, i.e. a Tensor where values are != 0.0 only if they were above the corresponding neuron's threshold. Args: current_state (Tensor): membrane potentials of the neurons Returns: Tensor: thresholded membrane potentials. """ thresholded = current_state.clone().detach() # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed thresholded[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential if self.per_neuron_thresh is None: self.per_neuron_thresh = torch.ones(current_state.shape, device=DEVICE)*self.threshold if self._threshold is None: thresholded[:-1] = 0 else: thresholded[thresholded < self.per_neuron_thresh] = 0.0 return thresholded def _f_ode(self, x, I=0): raise NotImplementedError() def plot_ode(self, figure: plt.Figure = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, current=None): """ Plots the neuron's ODE. If current is given, ODE with and without current are plotted. Multiple plots can be stack onto each other by passing the proper figure and axes as an argument. Args: figure (pyplot.Figure): Figure to use for plots. If None, a new one is created. ax (pyplot.Axes): Axes to use for the plot. If None, a new one is created. current: If provided, draws the current ON/OFF plots. Returns: Tuple: The figure and axes of the plot. """ f = False if figure is None: figure = plt.figure() f = True if ax is None: ax = figure.add_subplot() # type: plt.Axes neuron_name = self.__str__().split("_")[0] x_points = np.linspace(self.resting_potential, self.threshold + self.threshold / 2, 300) y0 = np.array([self._f_ode(x, 0) for x in x_points]) ax.plot(x_points, y0) if current: y1 = np.array([self._f_ode(x, current) for x in x_points]) ax.plot(x_points, y1) xmax = ax.get_xlim()[1] ax.set_xlim(min(x_points), max(max(x_points), xmax)) ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if f: ax.text(self.threshold, ymin+2, "Vth", horizontalalignment='left') ax.vlines(self.threshold, -5e4, 5e4, "r", linestyles="dashed") ax.set_ylim(bottom=min(min(y0), ymin)-5, top=self.threshold) ax.hlines(0, min(x_points) - abs(min(x_points) / 4), max(x_points) + abs(max(x_points) / 4), "black", linewidth=.5) leg = ax.get_legend() labels = [label._text for label in leg.texts] if leg is not None else [] l = neuron_name if current: l += " Current OFF" labels.append(l) if current: labels.append(neuron_name+" Current ON") ax.legend(labels) return figure, ax def finalize_state_update(self, current_state, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Generalized method to save neurons internal state after updates have been calculated, and to calculate the return value for the \_\_call\_\_ methods. Used to keep the code cleaner. Args: current_state (Tensor): Tensor of up-to-date states of neurons. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): Default: False. return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (int): Default 1. Returns: Tuple: Return values depends on the selected flags. (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
Instance variables
var threshold
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@property def threshold(self): return self._threshold
var per_neuron_thresh
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@property def per_neuron_thresh(self): return self._per_neuron_thresh
def reset(self)
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def reset(self): raise NotImplementedError()
def get_params(self)
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def get_params(self): params = {} for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if not isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): params[k] = v return params
def get_thresholded_potentials(self, current_state)
General method to get thresholded membrane potentials, i.e. a Tensor where values are != 0.0 only if they were above the corresponding neuron's threshold.
- membrane potentials of the neurons
- thresholded membrane potentials.
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def get_thresholded_potentials(self, current_state): """ General method to get thresholded membrane potentials, i.e. a Tensor where values are != 0.0 only if they were above the corresponding neuron's threshold. Args: current_state (Tensor): membrane potentials of the neurons Returns: Tensor: thresholded membrane potentials. """ thresholded = current_state.clone().detach() # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed thresholded[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential if self.per_neuron_thresh is None: self.per_neuron_thresh = torch.ones(current_state.shape, device=DEVICE)*self.threshold if self._threshold is None: thresholded[:-1] = 0 else: thresholded[thresholded < self.per_neuron_thresh] = 0.0 return thresholded
def plot_ode(self, figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure = None, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, current=None)
Plots the neuron's ODE. If current is given, ODE with and without current are plotted. Multiple plots can be stack onto each other by passing the proper figure and axes as an argument.
- Figure to use for plots. If None, a new one is created.
- Axes to use for the plot. If None, a new one is created.
- If provided, draws the current ON/OFF plots.
- The figure and axes of the plot.
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def plot_ode(self, figure: plt.Figure = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, current=None): """ Plots the neuron's ODE. If current is given, ODE with and without current are plotted. Multiple plots can be stack onto each other by passing the proper figure and axes as an argument. Args: figure (pyplot.Figure): Figure to use for plots. If None, a new one is created. ax (pyplot.Axes): Axes to use for the plot. If None, a new one is created. current: If provided, draws the current ON/OFF plots. Returns: Tuple: The figure and axes of the plot. """ f = False if figure is None: figure = plt.figure() f = True if ax is None: ax = figure.add_subplot() # type: plt.Axes neuron_name = self.__str__().split("_")[0] x_points = np.linspace(self.resting_potential, self.threshold + self.threshold / 2, 300) y0 = np.array([self._f_ode(x, 0) for x in x_points]) ax.plot(x_points, y0) if current: y1 = np.array([self._f_ode(x, current) for x in x_points]) ax.plot(x_points, y1) xmax = ax.get_xlim()[1] ax.set_xlim(min(x_points), max(max(x_points), xmax)) ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if f: ax.text(self.threshold, ymin+2, "Vth", horizontalalignment='left') ax.vlines(self.threshold, -5e4, 5e4, "r", linestyles="dashed") ax.set_ylim(bottom=min(min(y0), ymin)-5, top=self.threshold) ax.hlines(0, min(x_points) - abs(min(x_points) / 4), max(x_points) + abs(max(x_points) / 4), "black", linewidth=.5) leg = ax.get_legend() labels = [label._text for label in leg.texts] if leg is not None else [] l = neuron_name if current: l += " Current OFF" labels.append(l) if current: labels.append(neuron_name+" Current ON") ax.legend(labels) return figure, ax
def finalize_state_update(self, current_state, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1)
Generalized method to save neurons internal state after updates have been calculated, and to calculate the return value for the __call__ methods. Used to keep the code cleaner.
- Tensor of up-to-date states of neurons.
- Default: False.
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default 1.
- Return values depends on the selected flags.
(spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
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def finalize_state_update(self, current_state, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Generalized method to save neurons internal state after updates have been calculated, and to calculate the return value for the \_\_call\_\_ methods. Used to keep the code cleaner. Args: current_state (Tensor): Tensor of up-to-date states of neurons. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): Default: False. return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (int): Default 1. Returns: Tuple: Return values depends on the selected flags. (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
class IF (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281)
Creates an Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials (from a preceding convolution) and updates its state according to the amount of PSP received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike). The neuron(s) state needs to be manually reset when a sequence of related inputs ends (unless the next input is to be considered as related to the current one as well).
- threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
- the membrane time constant.
- the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
- potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
- number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
- Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
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class IF(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281): """ Creates an Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials (from a preceding convolution) and updates its state according to the amount of PSP received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike). The neuron(s) state needs to be manually reset when a sequence of related inputs ends (unless the next input is to be considered as related to the current one as well). Args: threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike tau_rc: the membrane time constant. ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc. resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike. refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike. C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect. """ # assert tau_rc / ts >= 10 # needs to hold for Taylor series approximation super(IF, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) self.ts = ts self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts_over_tau = ts / tau_rc # for better performance (compute once and for all) self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all) self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self.refractory_periods = None self.C = C def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None def __str__(self): return "IF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C) def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): r"""Computes the spike-wave tensor from tensor of potentials. Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.time_since_spike = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() current_state = previous_state.float().clone().detach() # Input pulses. # In the hypothesis that dt << tau_rc, we can use Taylor's expansion to approximate the exponential function. # In this way we can more or less simply add the potentials in. # input_spikes_impact = potentials * (1 - self.exp_term) input_spikes_impact = potentials*self.ts/self.C # Taylor expansion form (See Neuronal Dynamics Ch.1 ¶ 1.3.2) current_state += input_spikes_impact current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # by using this neuron model, spikes are assumed to have amplitude $ A = A_0/t_s $ where A_0 is the spike value # (normally 1), and t_s is the time-step size. spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) # name is non_inhibited_spikes because the corresponding neurons get into refractoriness as if they spiked, # even if they haven't actually spiked. non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: # inhibit all the feature map non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential dudt = current_state - self.previous_state self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.time_since_spike += self.ts self.time_since_spike[spiked] = 0.0 # emitted spikes are scaled by dt ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
def reset(self)
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def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None
Inherited members
class LIF (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, per_neuron_thresh=None)
Creates a Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials and updates its state according to the amount of 'energy' received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike). The neuron(s) state needs to be manually reset when a sequence of related inputs ends (unless the next input is to be considered as related to the current one as well).
- threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
- the membrane time constant.
- the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
- potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
- number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
- Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
- defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
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class LIF(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, per_neuron_thresh=None): """ Creates a Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials and updates its state according to the amount of 'energy' received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike). The neuron(s) state needs to be manually reset when a sequence of related inputs ends (unless the next input is to be considered as related to the current one as well). Args: threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike tau_rc: the membrane time constant. ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc. resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike. refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike. C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect. per_neuron_thresh: defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None. """ # assert tau_rc / ts >= 10 # needs to hold for Taylor series approximation Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) self.ts = ts self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts_over_tau = ts / tau_rc # for better performance (compute once and for all) self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all) self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self.refractory_periods = None self.C = C self.per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_thresh def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None def __str__(self): return "LIF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C) def _f_ode(self, x, I=0): return -(x - self.resting_potential) + (self.tau_rc/self.C)*I def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False): r"""Computes a (time-) step update for layer of LIF neurons. Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.time_since_spike = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.time_since_injection = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.potential_at_last_injection = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() # ## adapted from Nengo LIF neuron ## # # Exponential decay of the membrane potential. # To avoid the need of an extra tensor of time-since-last-spike, we can model it as a difference using # a constant exponential time step for the decay and eventually clipping the value to resting_pot. # pot = resting_pot + torch.mul((previous_state - resting_pot), np.exp(-dt/tau_rc)) exp_term = torch.clip(torch.exp(-self.time_since_injection/self.tau_rc), max=1) current_state = self.resting_potential + (self.potential_at_last_injection - self.resting_potential) * exp_term # Input pulses. # In the hypothesis that dt << tau_rc (at least one order of magnitude), we can use Taylor's expansion # to approximate the exponential function. In this way we can more or less simply add the potentials in. # input_spikes_impact = potentials * (1 - self.exp_term) input_spikes_impact = potentials*self.ts/self.C # Taylor expansion form (See Neuronal Dynamics Ch.1 ¶ 1.3.2) current_state += input_spikes_impact self.time_since_injection += self.ts self.time_since_injection[input_spikes_impact > 0] = self.ts # inhibit where refractory period is not yet passed. current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) self.potential_at_last_injection[input_spikes_impact > 0] = current_state[input_spikes_impact > 0] dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # resting = torch.full(potentials.size(), resting_pot) # delta = torch.add(potentials, -previous_state) # delta = torch.add(-previous_state, resting_pot) # exp_term = -np.expm1(-dt / leaky_term) # delta = torch.mul(delta, exp_term) # current_state = torch.add(previous_state, -delta) thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # by using this neuron model, spikes are assumed to have amplitude $ A = A_0/t_s $ where A_0 is the spike value # (here 1), and t_s is the time-step size. spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned elif self.inhibition_mode == "location": non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True # non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.time_since_spike += self.ts self.time_since_spike[spiked] = 0.0 # emitted spikes are scaled by dt ret = (spikes, ) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded, ) ret += (current_state, ) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt, ) if return_winners: ret += (winners, ) if return_winning_spikes: not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True) for w in winners: not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False ws = spikes.clone() ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0 ret += (ws, ) return ret
def reset(self)
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def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False)
Computes a (time-) step update for layer of LIF neurons.
- Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
- If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default: 1.
- (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
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def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False): r"""Computes a (time-) step update for layer of LIF neurons. Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.time_since_spike = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.time_since_injection = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.potential_at_last_injection = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() # ## adapted from Nengo LIF neuron ## # # Exponential decay of the membrane potential. # To avoid the need of an extra tensor of time-since-last-spike, we can model it as a difference using # a constant exponential time step for the decay and eventually clipping the value to resting_pot. # pot = resting_pot + torch.mul((previous_state - resting_pot), np.exp(-dt/tau_rc)) exp_term = torch.clip(torch.exp(-self.time_since_injection/self.tau_rc), max=1) current_state = self.resting_potential + (self.potential_at_last_injection - self.resting_potential) * exp_term # Input pulses. # In the hypothesis that dt << tau_rc (at least one order of magnitude), we can use Taylor's expansion # to approximate the exponential function. In this way we can more or less simply add the potentials in. # input_spikes_impact = potentials * (1 - self.exp_term) input_spikes_impact = potentials*self.ts/self.C # Taylor expansion form (See Neuronal Dynamics Ch.1 ¶ 1.3.2) current_state += input_spikes_impact self.time_since_injection += self.ts self.time_since_injection[input_spikes_impact > 0] = self.ts # inhibit where refractory period is not yet passed. current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) self.potential_at_last_injection[input_spikes_impact > 0] = current_state[input_spikes_impact > 0] dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # resting = torch.full(potentials.size(), resting_pot) # delta = torch.add(potentials, -previous_state) # delta = torch.add(-previous_state, resting_pot) # exp_term = -np.expm1(-dt / leaky_term) # delta = torch.mul(delta, exp_term) # current_state = torch.add(previous_state, -delta) thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # by using this neuron model, spikes are assumed to have amplitude $ A = A_0/t_s $ where A_0 is the spike value # (here 1), and t_s is the time-step size. spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned elif self.inhibition_mode == "location": non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True # non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.time_since_spike += self.ts self.time_since_spike[spiked] = 0.0 # emitted spikes are scaled by dt ret = (spikes, ) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded, ) ret += (current_state, ) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt, ) if return_winners: ret += (winners, ) if return_winning_spikes: not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True) for w in winners: not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False ws = spikes.clone() ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0 ret += (ws, ) return ret
Inherited members
class LIF_Simple (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, per_neuron_threshold=None)
A simplified version of the LIF neuron which does not take into account the capacitance and uses a simple decay. With this class, spikes are propagated with amplitude A = 1, instead of A = \frac{1}{t_s}
- threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
- the membrane time constant.
- the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
- potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
- number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
- Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
- Defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
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class LIF_Simple(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, per_neuron_threshold=None): """ A simplified version of the LIF neuron which does not take into account the capacitance and uses a simple decay. With this class, spikes are propagated with amplitude \(A = 1\), instead of \(A = \\frac{1}{t_s}\) Args: threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike tau_rc: the membrane time constant. ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc. resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike. refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike. C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect. per_neuron_thresh: Defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None. """ Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = refractory_timesteps*ts self.per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_threshold self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts = ts assert tau_rc > 3*ts # needed for Taylor approx.; actually would be better with 6 times more than ts self.decay = 1 - ts/tau_rc # Taylor approx def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None def __str__(self): return "LIF_Simple_RT" + str(self.refractory_timesteps) + "_tau" + str(self.tau_rc) def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False): """ Calculates a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons. Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() current_state = previous_state*self.decay current_state += potentials current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 spikes = thresholded.sign() winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned elif self.inhibition_mode == "location": non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True # non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True # to be used in single-neuron scenarios current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness # emitted spikes are NOT scaled by dt ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (current_state-previous_state,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) if return_winning_spikes: not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True) for w in winners: not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False ws = spikes.clone() ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0 ret += (ws,) return ret
def reset(self)
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def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False)
Calculates a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons.
- Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
- If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default: 1.
- (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
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def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False): """ Calculates a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons. Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() current_state = previous_state*self.decay current_state += potentials current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 spikes = thresholded.sign() winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned elif self.inhibition_mode == "location": non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True # non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True # to be used in single-neuron scenarios current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness # emitted spikes are NOT scaled by dt ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (current_state-previous_state,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) if return_winning_spikes: not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True) for w in winners: not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False ws = spikes.clone() ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0 ret += (ws,) return ret
Inherited members
class LIF_ode (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, per_neuron_thresh=None)
Creates a Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials and updates its state according to the amount of 'energy' received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike). Differently from the LIF class, the LIF_ode uses the LIF ode to directly calculate updates time-step by time-step.
- threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike
- the membrane time constant.
- the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
- potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
- number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
- Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
- Defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
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class LIF_ode(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, per_neuron_thresh=None): """ Creates a Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s) that receives input potentials and updates its state according to the amount of 'energy' received (i.e. if it's enough, it fires a spike). Differently from the LIF class, the LIF_ode uses the LIF ode to directly calculate updates time-step by time-step. Args: threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike tau_rc: the membrane time constant. ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc. resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike. refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike. C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect. per_neuron_thresh: Defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None. """ # assert tau_rc / ts >= 10 # needs to hold for Taylor series approximation super(LIF_ode, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) self.ts = ts self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts_over_tau = ts / tau_rc # for better performance (compute once and for all) self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all) self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self.refractory_periods = None self.C = C self.per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_thresh def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None def __str__(self): return "LIF_ode_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C) def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """Computes a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons. Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = (self.resting_potential - previous_state)*self.ts_over_tau du += potentials * self.ts / self.C current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractory period is not yet passed. current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: # inhibit the whole feature map for the next iteration. One feature map = one feature. # One neuron firing in one feature map = one feature at that position. non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness # emitted spikes are scaled by dt ret = (spikes, ) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded, ) ret += (current_state, ) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt, ) if return_winners: ret += (winners, ) return ret
def reset(self)
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def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1)
Computes a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons.
- Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
- If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default: 1.
- (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
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def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """Computes a (time-) step update for the layer of LIF neurons. Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = (self.resting_potential - previous_state)*self.ts_over_tau du += potentials * self.ts / self.C current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractory period is not yet passed. current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: # inhibit the whole feature map for the next iteration. One feature map = one feature. # One neuron firing in one feature map = one feature at that position. non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True current_state[spiked] = self.resting_potential self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness # emitted spikes are scaled by dt ret = (spikes, ) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded, ) ret += (current_state, ) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt, ) if return_winners: ret += (winners, ) return ret
Inherited members
class EIF (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None)
Creates a layer of exponential integrate and fire neurons.
- Default: None.
- Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
- time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
- Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
- Rheobase threshold. Default: None.
- Default: 0.0.
- Default: 2.
- Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
- Default: None.
will causetheta_rh
to be \frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}.Expand source code
class EIF(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None): """ Creates a layer of exponential integrate and fire neurons. Args: threshold: Default: None. tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02. ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001. delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5. theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: None. resting_potential: Default: 0.0. refractory_timesteps: Default: 2. C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281. v_reset: Default: None. .. note:: `theta_rh` being `None` will cause `theta_rh` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\). """ Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) # assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \ # "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2" self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts = ts self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self.refractory_periods = None self.C = C self.delta_t = delta_t if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25% self.theta_rh = theta_rh if v_reset is None: self.v_reset = resting_potential else: self.v_reset = v_reset def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None def __str__(self): return "EIF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C) def _f_ode(self, x, I=0): return -(x - self.resting_potential) + self.delta_t*np.exp((x-self.theta_rh)/self.delta_t) + (self.tau_rc / self.C) * I def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates the (time-) step update for the neurons as specified by the following differential equation: $$ \\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right) + R\\cdot I(t) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = self.resting_potential - previous_state # -(previous_state - self.resting_potential) du = du + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) du /= self.tau_rc du += potentials/self.C du *= self.ts current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
def reset(self)
Expand source code
def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1)
Calculates the (time-) step update for the neurons as specified by the following differential equation: \tau_{rc}\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \Delta_T \cdot \exp\left({\frac{u - \Theta_{rh}}{\Delta_T}}\right) + R\cdot I(t)
- Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
- If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default: 1.
- (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
Expand source code
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates the (time-) step update for the neurons as specified by the following differential equation: $$ \\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right) + R\\cdot I(t) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = self.resting_potential - previous_state # -(previous_state - self.resting_potential) du = du + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) du /= self.tau_rc du += potentials/self.C du *= self.ts current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
Inherited members
class EIF_Simple (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, v_reset=None, per_neuron_threshold=None)
Creates a layer of exponential integrate and fire neurons. These neurons are simplified with respect to the EIF class, in the sense that the capacitance is not used anymore, the linear decay is implemented through a simple multiplication and the incoming potentials are not expected to be scaled by \frac{1}{t_s}.
- Default: None.
- Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
- time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
- Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
- Rheobase threshold. Default: None.
- Default: 0.0.
- Default: 2.
- Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
- Default: None.
will causetheta_rh
to be \frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}.Expand source code
class EIF_Simple(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, v_reset=None, per_neuron_threshold=None): """ Creates a layer of exponential integrate and fire neurons. These neurons are simplified with respect to the EIF class, in the sense that the capacitance is not used anymore, the linear decay is implemented through a simple multiplication and the incoming potentials are not expected to be scaled by \(\\frac{1}{t_s}\). Args: threshold: Default: None. tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02. ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001. delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5. theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: None. resting_potential: Default: 0.0. refractory_timesteps: Default: 2. C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281. v_reset: Default: None. .. note:: `theta_rh` being `None` will cause `theta_rh` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\). """ Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self._per_neuron_thresh = per_neuron_threshold self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts = ts assert tau_rc > 3*ts # needed for Taylor approx.; actually would be better with 6 times more than ts self.decay = 1 - ts/tau_rc # Taylor approx self.delta_t = delta_t if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25% self.theta_rh = theta_rh if v_reset is None: self.v_reset = resting_potential else: self.v_reset = v_reset def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None @Neuron.per_neuron_thresh.setter def per_neuron_thresh(self, value): self._per_neuron_thresh = value self.theta_rh = 0.75*value def __str__(self): return "EIF_Simple_RT" + str(self.refractory_timesteps) + "_tau" + str(self.tau_rc) def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1, return_winning_spikes=False): """ Calculates the (time-) step update for the neurons as specified by the following differential equation: $$ \\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right) + R\\cdot I(t) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() current_state = previous_state*self.decay + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) current_state += potentials current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 spikes = thresholded.sign() winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, spikes=spikes, kwta=n_winners) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: if self.inhibition_mode == "feature": # inhibit all the feature map non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True # This is then used to inhibit all neurons in the same feature-group of neurons as the one who winned elif self.inhibition_mode == "location": non_inihibited_spikes[0, :, w[1], w[2]] = True # non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True # neurons that fired a spike a reset to v_reset regardless of being winners membrane_potential = current_state.clone().detach() current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset self.previous_state = current_state # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts # but only the winners (and the inhibited neurons) are given a refractory period. self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness # emitted spikes are NOT scaled by dt ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (membrane_potential,) # (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (current_state-previous_state,) # this will result in very negative dudt sometimes, can be done better if return_winners: ret += (winners,) if return_winning_spikes: not_winning_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, True) for w in winners: not_winning_spikes[0, w[0], w[1], w[2]] = False ws = spikes.clone() ws[not_winning_spikes] = 0.0 ret += (ws,) return ret
Instance variables
var per_neuron_thresh
Expand source code
@property def per_neuron_thresh(self): return self._per_neuron_thresh
def reset(self)
Expand source code
def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None
Inherited members
class AdEx (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None, a=0.6, b=0.7, tau_w=1)
Creates a layer of Adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire (AdEx) neurons.
- Default: None.
- Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau, in seconds. Default: 0.02.
- time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
- Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
- Rheobase threshold, if None it's equal to \frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}. Default: None.
- Default: 0.0.
- Default: 2.
- Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
- After-spike reset voltage, if None it is equal to the resting potential. Default: None.
- Adaptation variable parameter to regulate the adaptation dependence from the membrane potential. Default: 0.6.
- Adaptation variable parameter to regulate the adaptation increase upon emission of a spike. Default: 0.7.
- Adaptation variable time constant. Default: 1.
Expand source code
class AdEx(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None, a=0.6, b=0.7, tau_w=1): """ Creates a layer of Adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire (AdEx) neurons. Args: threshold: Default: None. tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau, in seconds. Default: 0.02. ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001. delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5. theta_rh: Rheobase threshold, if None it's equal to \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\). Default: None. resting_potential: Default: 0.0. refractory_timesteps: Default: 2. C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281. v_reset: After-spike reset voltage, if None it is equal to the resting potential. Default: None. a: Adaptation variable parameter to regulate the adaptation dependence from the membrane potential. Default: 0.6. b: Adaptation variable parameter to regulate the adaptation increase upon emission of a spike. Default: 0.7. tau_w: Adaptation variable time constant. Default: 1. """ super(AdEx, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) # assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \ # "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2" self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts = ts self.delta_t = delta_t if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25% self.theta_rh = theta_rh self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self.refractory_periods = None self.C = C self.R = tau_rc/C self.a = a self.b = b self.tau_w = tau_w if v_reset is None: self.v_reset = resting_potential else: self.v_reset = v_reset def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None self.w = None def __str__(self): return "AdEx_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C) def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron(s) as specified by the following differential equations: $$ \\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right) - R\\cdot \\omega + R\\cdot I(t) \\\\ \\tau_w\\frac{d\\omega}{dt} = a(u - u_{rest}) + b\\sum_{t^{(f)}}\\delta(t-t^{(f)}) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.w = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = self.resting_potential - previous_state # -(previous_state - self.resting_potential) du = du + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) currents_impact = (potentials - self.w)*self.R du += currents_impact du /= self.tau_rc du *= self.ts current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) # TODO: Maybe, given that a proper assumption according to Neuronal Dynamics book, would be to have # TODO: threshold >> theta_rh + delta_t, if it is None I could set it to be 1 order of magnitude greater? # TODO: i.e. threshold = (delta_T + theta_rh) * 10 thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # Implement the common adaptation variable update for all the neurons self.w += (self.a*(current_state-self.resting_potential) - self.w)/self.tau_w*self.ts # Add a current jump only where there has been a spike self.w[spiked] += self.b # see for # # why this is simply added in. # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(torch.abs(thresholded.sign()), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: # non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
def reset(self)
Expand source code
def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None self.w = None
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1)
Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron(s) as specified by the following differential equations: \tau_{rc}\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \Delta_T \cdot \exp\left({\frac{u - \Theta_{rh}}{\Delta_T}}\right) - R\cdot \omega + R\cdot I(t) \\ \tau_w\frac{d\omega}{dt} = a(u - u_{rest}) + b\sum_{t^{(f)}}\delta(t-t^{(f)})
- Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
- If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default: 1.
- (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
Expand source code
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron(s) as specified by the following differential equations: $$ \\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -(u - u_{rest}) + \\Delta_T \\cdot \\exp\\left({\\frac{u - \\Theta_{rh}}{\\Delta_T}}\\right) - R\\cdot \\omega + R\\cdot I(t) \\\\ \\tau_w\\frac{d\\omega}{dt} = a(u - u_{rest}) + b\\sum_{t^{(f)}}\\delta(t-t^{(f)}) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.w = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = self.resting_potential - previous_state # -(previous_state - self.resting_potential) du = du + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) currents_impact = (potentials - self.w)*self.R du += currents_impact du /= self.tau_rc du *= self.ts current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) # TODO: Maybe, given that a proper assumption according to Neuronal Dynamics book, would be to have # TODO: threshold >> theta_rh + delta_t, if it is None I could set it to be 1 order of magnitude greater? # TODO: i.e. threshold = (delta_T + theta_rh) * 10 thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # Implement the common adaptation variable update for all the neurons self.w += (self.a*(current_state-self.resting_potential) - self.w)/self.tau_w*self.ts # Add a current jump only where there has been a spike self.w[spiked] += self.b # see for # # why this is simply added in. # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(torch.abs(thresholded.sign()), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: # non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
Inherited members
class QIF (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, u_c=None, a=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None)
Creates a layer of Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (QIF) neurons.
- Default: None.
- Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
- time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
- Cut-off threshold (negative-positive membrane potential update transition point). Default: None.
- Sharpness parameter (upswing on the parabolic curve). Default: None.
- Default: 0.0.
- Default: 2.
- Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
- Default: None.
will causeu_c
to be \frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}.Expand source code
class QIF(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, u_c=None, a=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None): """ Creates a layer of Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (QIF) neurons. Args: threshold: Default: None. tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02. ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001. Cut-off threshold (negative-positive membrane potential update transition point). Default: None. a: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the parabolic curve). Default: None. resting_potential: Default: 0.0. refractory_timesteps: Default: 2. C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281. v_reset: Default: None. .. note:: `u_c` being `None` will cause `u_c` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\). """ Neuron.__init__(self, resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) # assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \ # "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2" self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts = ts if u_c is None: # guess from threshold u_c = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the 'rheobase' threshold smaller of the threshold by 25% self.u_c = u_c self.a = a self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self.refractory_periods = None self.C = C if v_reset is None: self.v_reset = resting_potential else: self.v_reset = v_reset def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None def __str__(self): return "QIF_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C) def _f_ode(self, x, I=0): return self.a*(x - self.resting_potential)*(x-self.u_c) + (self.tau_rc/self.C)*I def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron as specified by the following differential equation: $$ \\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -a_0(u - u_{rest})(u - u_{c}) + R\\cdot I(t) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() # TODO should consider multiplying input by a resistance? # du = -(previous_state - self.resting_potential) \ # + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) \ # + potentials du = previous_state - self.resting_potential du = du * (previous_state - self.u_c) * self.a du /= self.tau_rc du += potentials/self.C du *= self.ts current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential torch.clip_(current_state, min=self.resting_potential) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) # winners = sf.get_k_winners_davide(thresholded, spikes, self.per_neuron_thresh) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state # emitted spikes are scaled by dt ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
def reset(self)
Expand source code
def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1)
Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron as specified by the following differential equation: \tau_{rc}\frac{du}{dt} = -a_0(u - u_{rest})(u - u_{c}) + R\cdot I(t)
- Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
- If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default: 1.
- (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
Expand source code
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates a (time-) step update for the neuron as specified by the following differential equation: $$ \\tau_{rc}\\frac{du}{dt} = -a_0(u - u_{rest})(u - u_{c}) + R\\cdot I(t) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() # TODO should consider multiplying input by a resistance? # du = -(previous_state - self.resting_potential) \ # + self.delta_t * torch.exp((previous_state - self.theta_rh) / self.delta_t) \ # + potentials du = previous_state - self.resting_potential du = du * (previous_state - self.u_c) * self.a du /= self.tau_rc du += potentials/self.C du *= self.ts current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential torch.clip_(current_state, min=self.resting_potential) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 spikes = torch.div(thresholded.sign(), self.ts) # winners = sf.get_k_winners_davide(thresholded, spikes, self.per_neuron_thresh) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state # emitted spikes are scaled by dt ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
Inherited members
class Izhikevich (threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, a=0.02, b=0.2, c=0.0, d=8.0, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None)
Creates a layer of Izhikevich's neurons.
- Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02.
- time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
- Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
- Rheobase threshold. Default: 5.
- Default: 0.0.
- Default: None.
Expand source code
class Izhikevich(Neuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=0.001, a=0.02, b=0.2, c=0.0, d=8.0, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None): """ Creates a layer of Izhikevich's neurons. Args: tau_rc: Membrane time constant a.k.a. tau_m or tau in seconds. Default: 0.02. ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001. delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5. theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: 5. resting_potential: Default: 0.0. threshold: Default: None. """ super(Izhikevich, self).__init__(resting_potential=resting_potential, threshold=threshold) # assert abs(theta_rh / (resting_potential + delta_t)) >= 10, \ # "Needs to hold as it is assumed in Neuronal Dynamics book, Ch.5 ¶ 5.2" self.tau_rc = tau_rc self.ts = ts # if theta_rh is None: # guess from threshold # theta_rh = -abs(threshold)*0.25 + threshold # make the rheobase threshold smaller of the threshold by 25% # self.theta_rh = theta_rh self.refractory_timesteps = refractory_timesteps self.refractoriness = self.refractory_timesteps * ts self.refractory_periods = None self.C = C self.R = tau_rc/C self.a = a self.b = b self.d = d if v_reset is None: self.v_reset = resting_potential else: self.v_reset = v_reset self.c = c if c is not None else self.v_reset def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None self.w = None def __str__(self): return "Izhikevich_Neuron_rt"+str(self.refractory_timesteps)+"_C"+str(self.C) def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates the update amount for the neuron as specified by the following differential equations: $$ \\frac{du}{dt} = 0.04u^2 + 5u + 140 - \\omega + I \\\\ \\frac{d\\omega}{dt} = a(b\\cdot u - \\omega) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.w = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential*self.b, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = 0.04*previous_state**2 + 5*previous_state + 140 du += potentials du -= self.w current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential # current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dw = self.a*(self.b*current_state - self.w) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # Add a current jump only where there has been a spike self.w = self.w + dw self.w[spiked] += self.d # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(torch.abs(thresholded.sign()), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: #non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True # TODO current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
def reset(self)
Expand source code
def reset(self): self.previous_state = None self.refractory_periods = None self.w = None
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1)
Calculates the update amount for the neuron as specified by the following differential equations:
\frac{du}{dt} = 0.04u^2 + 5u + 140 - \omega + I \\ \frac{d\omega}{dt} = a(b\cdot u - \omega)
- Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through.
- If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False
- Default: False.
- Default: True.
- Default: 1.
- (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ])
Expand source code
def __call__(self, potentials, return_thresholded_potentials=False, return_dudt=False, return_winners=True, n_winners=1): """ Calculates the update amount for the neuron as specified by the following differential equations: $$ \\frac{du}{dt} = 0.04u^2 + 5u + 140 - \\omega + I \\\\ \\frac{d\\omega}{dt} = a(b\\cdot u - \\omega) $$ Args: potentials (Tensor): Input post-synaptic potentials. These are intended to be inside a torch.Tensor object and are the equivalent of the sum of the incoming spikes, each scaled by the strength of the synapse (convolution weights) they came through. return_thresholded_potentials (bool): If True, the tensor of thresholded potentials will be returned as well as the tensor of spike-wave. Default: False return_dudt (bool): Default: False. return_winners (bool): Default: True. n_winners (bool): Default: 1. Returns: Tuple: (spikes, [thresholded_potentials, ] current_state, [dudt, ] [winners, ]) """ # potentials = torch.sum(potentials, (2, 3), keepdim=True) if self.previous_state is None: self.previous_state = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential, device=DEVICE) self.refractory_periods = torch.full(potentials.size(), 0.0, device=DEVICE) self.w = torch.full(potentials.size(), self.resting_potential*self.b, device=DEVICE) previous_state = self.previous_state.clone().detach() du = 0.04*previous_state**2 + 5*previous_state + 140 du += potentials du -= self.w current_state = previous_state + du # inhibit where refractoriness is not consumed current_state[self.refractory_periods > 0] = self.resting_potential # current_state.clamp_(self.resting_potential, None) dw = self.a*(self.b*current_state - self.w) dudt = current_state - self.previous_state # current_state.clip(self.resting_potential, None) thresholded = self.get_thresholded_potentials(current_state) spiked = thresholded != 0.0 # Add a current jump only where there has been a spike self.w = self.w + dw self.w[spiked] += self.d # emitted spikes are scaled by dt spikes = torch.div(torch.abs(thresholded.sign()), self.ts) winners = sf.get_k_winners(thresholded, kwta=n_winners, inhibition_radius=0, spikes=spikes) non_inihibited_spikes = torch.full(spiked.shape, False) for w in winners: #non_inihibited_spikes[0, w[0], :, :] = True non_inihibited_spikes[0] = True # TODO current_state[spiked] = self.v_reset # update refractory periods self.refractory_periods[self.refractory_periods > 0] -= self.ts self.refractory_periods[non_inihibited_spikes] = self.refractoriness self.previous_state = current_state ret = (spikes,) if return_thresholded_potentials: ret += (thresholded,) ret += (current_state,) if return_dudt: ret += (dudt,) if return_winners: ret += (winners,) return ret
Inherited members
class HeterogeneousNeuron (conv)
Base class for layers of neurons having a non-homogeneous set of parameters.
Expand source code
class HeterogeneousNeuron(Neuron): def __init__(self, conv): """ Base class for layers of neurons having a non-homogeneous set of parameters. """ super().__init__(conv) def get_uniform_distribution(self, range, size): """ Creates a uniformly distributed set of values in the `range` and `size` provided. Args: range (list): Range to sample the values from. size (tuple): Size of the Tensor to sample. Returns: Tensor: Tensor containing the uniformly distributed values. """ ones = np.ones(size) uniform = np.random.uniform(*range, size=(size[0], size[1], 1, 1)) uniform = torch.from_numpy(uniform*ones) return
def get_uniform_distribution(self, range, size)
Creates a uniformly distributed set of values in the
- Range to sample the values from.
- Size of the Tensor to sample.
- Tensor containing the uniformly distributed values.
Expand source code
def get_uniform_distribution(self, range, size): """ Creates a uniformly distributed set of values in the `range` and `size` provided. Args: range (list): Range to sample the values from. size (tuple): Size of the Tensor to sample. Returns: Tensor: Tensor containing the uniformly distributed values. """ ones = np.ones(size) uniform = np.random.uniform(*range, size=(size[0], size[1], 1, 1)) uniform = torch.from_numpy(uniform*ones) return
Inherited members
class UniformLIF (threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, per_neuron_thresh=None)
Creates a layer of heterogeneous Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s).
- threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike.
- Range of values from which to sample the \tau_{rc}.
- the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc.
- potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike.
- number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike.
- Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect.
- defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None.
Expand source code
class UniformLIF(LIF, HeterogeneousNeuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, per_neuron_thresh=None): """ Creates a layer of heterogeneous Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron(s). Args: threshold: threshold above which the neuron(s) fires a spike. tau_range (list): Range of values from which to sample the \(\\tau_{rc}\). ts: the time step used for computations, needs to be at least 10 times smaller than tau_rc. resting_potential: potential at which the neuron(s) is set to after a spike. refractory_timesteps: number of timestep of hyperpolarization after a spike. C: Capacitance of the membrane potential. Influences the input potential effect. per_neuron_thresh: defines neuron-wise threshold. If None, a layer-wise threshold is used. Default: None. """ LIF.__init__(self, threshold, C=C, refractory_timesteps=refractory_timesteps, ts=ts, resting_potential=resting_potential, per_neuron_thresh=per_neuron_thresh) self.threshold = threshold self.tau_range = tau_range self.taus = None def __call__(self, potentials, *args, **kwargs): if self.taus is None: self.taus = self.get_uniform_distribution(self.tau_range, potentials.shape) self.ts_over_tau = self.ts / self.taus.cpu().numpy() # for better performance (compute once and for all) self.exp_term = np.exp(-self.ts_over_tau) # for better performance (compute once and for all) return super(UniformLIF, self).__call__(potentials, *args, **kwargs)
Inherited members
class UniformEIF (threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None)
Creates a layer of heterogeneous Exponential Integrate and Fire (EIF) neurons.
- Default: None.
- Range of values from which to sample the \tau_{rc}.
- time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
- Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5.
- Rheobase threshold. Default: None.
- Default: 0.0.
- Default: 2.
- Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
- Default: None.
will causetheta_rh
to be \frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}.Expand source code
class UniformEIF(EIF, HeterogeneousNeuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, delta_t=0.5, theta_rh=None, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None): """ Creates a layer of heterogeneous Exponential Integrate and Fire (EIF) neurons. Args: threshold: Default: None. tau_range (list): Range of values from which to sample the \(\\tau_{rc}\). ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001. delta_t: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the exponential curve). If ~0, EIF behaves like LIF. Default: 0.5. theta_rh: Rheobase threshold. Default: None. resting_potential: Default: 0.0. refractory_timesteps: Default: 2. C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281. v_reset: Default: None. .. note:: `theta_rh` being `None` will cause `theta_rh` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\). """ EIF.__init__(self, threshold=threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=ts, delta_t=delta_t, theta_rh=theta_rh, resting_potential=resting_potential, refractory_timesteps=refractory_timesteps, C=C, v_reset=v_reset) HeterogeneousNeuron.__init__(self) self.tau_range = tau_range self.taus = None def __call__(self, potentials, *args, **kwargs): if self.taus is None: self.taus = self.get_uniform_distribution(self.tau_range, potentials.shape) return super(UniformEIF, self).__call__(potentials, *args, **kwargs)
Inherited members
class UniformQIF (threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, u_c=None, a=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None)
Creates a layer of heterogeneous Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (QIF) neurons.
- Default: None.
- Range of values from which to sample the \tau_{rc}.
- time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001.
- Cut-off threshold (negative-positive membrane potential update transition point). Default: 5.
- Sharpness parameter (upswing on the parabolic curve). Default: None.
- Default: 0.0.
- Default: 2.
- Capacitance. Default: 0.281.
- Default: None.
will causeu_c
to be \frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}.Expand source code
class UniformQIF(QIF, HeterogeneousNeuron): def __init__(self, threshold, tau_range, ts=0.001, u_c=None, a=0.001, resting_potential=0.0, refractory_timesteps=2, C=0.281, v_reset=None): """ Creates a layer of heterogeneous Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire (QIF) neurons. Args: threshold: Default: None. tau_range (list): Range of values from which to sample the \(\\tau_{rc}\). ts: time-step value in seconds. Default: 0.001. u_c: Cut-off threshold (negative-positive membrane potential update transition point). Default: 5. a: Sharpness parameter (upswing on the parabolic curve). Default: None. resting_potential: Default: 0.0. refractory_timesteps: Default: 2. C: Capacitance. Default: 0.281. v_reset: Default: None. .. note:: `u_c` being `None` will cause `u_c` to be \(\\frac{3}{4}V_{thresh}\). """ QIF.__init__(self, threshold, tau_rc=0.02, ts=ts, u_c=u_c, a=a, resting_potential=resting_potential, refractory_timesteps=refractory_timesteps, C=C, v_reset=v_reset) HeterogeneousNeuron.__init__(self) self.tau_range = tau_range self.taus = None def __call__(self, potentials, *args, **kwargs): if self.taus is None: self.taus = self.get_uniform_distribution(self.tau_range, potentials.shape) return super(UniformQIF, self).__call__(potentials, *args, **kwargs)
Inherited members